I was let go from an adjunct online teaching job at a community college in my state because I was denied the religious exemption that I applied for. The HR Dept. there is very smug. So I filed a complaint with the State Civil Liberties Dept back in Jan 2022. The school actually hired a lawyer to deal with it (probably cost them more than my semester pay). I had to file so much paperwork for months and have not heard anything back from them since Dec 2022. Well, today I received notice from them that I have been found to have "Probable Cause" and they are scheduling a "Conciliation." I have no idea what that will do for me (someone else has my job) but it feels good to at least hear that I got this far. It was so much paperwork that I wanted to give up. Looking over all that paperwork, I cannot believe I did it.
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Congratulations on being relentless, fighting, standing up for your beliefs which in turn helps others and Winning! You did exactly what we are supposed to do when faced with unreasonable demands. We all forget (I do) how hard it was to say no to ALL BS Authority when they were hearing from leaders around the country that we should all get vaxxed, it was best AND so often we were called out as dangerous and stupid for not going along. So not only did you not go along but you fought back and won! Remember all we’ve endured. We are exactly what is needed going forward which btw is the exact opposite of what the DS is trying to create with lgbtq… agenda.