It most definitely is not normal. Massive rain cloud systems just pop up. Last week I had 17" of rain and according to the weather services the chances never were above 40% of a chance. My averages of rain for the year is just shy of 50" and we are already over half of that and the hurricane season is not even here. I used to love the rain and now I am paranoid.
I also doesn't help most of south east Texas is below sea level so always a chance of massive flooding.
It most definitely is not normal. Massive rain cloud systems just pop up. Last week I had 17" of rain and according to the weather services the chances never were above 40% of a chance. My averages of rain for the year is just shy of 50" and we are already over half of that and the hurricane season is not even here. I used to love the rain and now I am paranoid.
I also doesn't help most of south east Texas is below sea level so always a chance of massive flooding.