From the gist of it, it seems to be a historically accurate document, like who is arguing this text doesn’t exist and has no merit? What is the argument it’s fake and gay?
Does that mean Q would kill a Jewish baby hypothetically? This I can’t say for sure! However my instincts tell me they wouldn’t.
Does this mean Hitler wasn’t a Jewish puppet as Q claims and that whole can is opened? Not from where I stand.
Use a straw man. Find or create a seeming element of your opponent's argument which you can easily knock down to make yourself look good and the opponent to look bad.
Well you would only denounce HITLER AND the Nazis (what about the Nazis?) upon my condition of accepting the protocols which I agree don’t look too good for teh joo!
No, just Hitler.
I want to see your words standing in stark contrast to the Q posts.
I denounce Hitler.
Now you admit The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion are 100% authentic and legitimate.
From the gist of it, it seems to be a historically accurate document, like who is arguing this text doesn’t exist and has no merit? What is the argument it’s fake and gay?
Does that mean Q would kill a Jewish baby hypothetically? This I can’t say for sure! However my instincts tell me they wouldn’t.
Does this mean Hitler wasn’t a Jewish puppet as Q claims and that whole can is opened? Not from where I stand.
Try again.
Well you would only denounce HITLER AND the Nazis (what about the Nazis?) upon my condition of accepting the protocols which I agree don’t look too good for teh joo!
Now admit Hitler was a Deep State Puppet.