247 1135% Increase In Autism! Secret CDC Meeting In Simpsonwood To Cover Up Vaccine Mercury Dangers (twitter.com) posted 274 days ago by LakotaPride 274 days ago by LakotaPride +247 / -0 30 comments share 30 comments share save hide report block hide replies
I am happy the exposure to these is going up, but it still seems like way to many people are giving them to their kids.
Amen, hopefully people will get this information out.
I am hopeful that something has covertly intervened to placebo many of the destructive childhood vaccines away, after enough dots were connected earlier on. Again, hopeful.
That is great tasting puff of hopium, fren! Quite plausible, given what Q team would have known.
Yup yup. Thank you too fren.
It seems that way because that's what's happening.