posted ago by JohnTitor17 ago by JohnTitor17 +36 / -1

How do you shoot down anything without having to aim? Classified.

But if you know where to look...

Q1730 "SPECIALIZED WEAPONS PACKAGE." The Pumped Phase-Conjugate Weapons System.

The defensive weapon that makes America virtually INVINCIBLE from missile attack.


Basically, a Pumped Phase-Conjugate Weapons System uses a phase conjugate mirror PCM that produces a retro-reflective reflection of an incident beam, with the sign of the phase of the reflected beam reversed (in time) from that of the incident beam at the point of reflection.

Translation: if you can pick up a radar return on it, you can shoot it down EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. This technology is the real reason stealth is top priority, and why glitter is put into aerospace stealth paint to DISPERSE as much of the (radar) bombardment as possible 🤫

(please don't break into my house. A phone call asking me to STFU will suffice)

Anyway, a literal time-reversed wave that 'reflects' (at ANY angle) DIRECTLY, NARROWLY, and ONLY back to the radar return [TARGET] AUTOMATICALLY with no sort of aiming (even via computer) necessary. You see... the direct, narrow, specific reflection back to the target and only the target is an artifact of Phase Conjugate Mirror technology itself.

~100% of the pumped (amplified) high energy radar reflection is automatically mirrored directly back to the target missile/plane/etc, over and over, billions of times a second. We're talking hundreds of KW near instantly. Lasers, comparativly take forever to destroy a target. When they say "direct energy", this is the New New NEW shit that's actually been operational since at least the 1980s.

"CLAS-5" https://www.lasersafetyfacts.com/laserclasses.html Is anything above a 'Class 4' direct energy weapon?

"The Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI), nicknamed the Star Wars program, was a proposed missile defense system intended to protect the US from attack by ballistic strategic nuclear weapons."

But fun fact: Regans "Star Wars SDI wasn't abandoned. THIS ⬆️ IS THAT TECHNOLOGY.

But of course being the government, as soon as they realized it worked it went black and we told our enemies we gave up.

DISCLAIMER YES, this shit is highly classified with virtually no (meaningful) literature online, save for a few interesting patents. The things I've said here are completely open source. You just have to understand the totality of what's actually being said in these patents. The Tom Bearden vid below explains it well.

I learned (most) of this courtesy of this lecture by the late Ph.D., nuclear engineer Lieutenant Colonel (US Army) Tom Bearden. Explanation of this 'magic, time reversed, self aiming radar mirror' starts at 1:03:57 https://youtu.be/z-pTERbyEsY?si=X97SZlnGrlymF4hZ

PPCWS in use https://youtu.be/1tbSQzPUSnI?si=fMp0t9yC0C4E7FXy

"But muh 'Directed Energy' weapon" is just a ruse for a technology far more capable than most could possibly imagine.

No missile barrage will ever ever ever wipe out the United States unless it is allowed to happen.


"In a time that is yet unborn, ALL SHALL BE ONE, AND ONE SHALL BE ALL." ~Hermes Trismegistus