Should we be voting early or in person in November?
Pros and cons with each and I think it may depend on a state by state basis. Maricopa county pedes should maybe vote early due to shenanigan's. Somewhere in rural Ohio it wouldn't matter as much. We really don't want to play our hands where the dems can count ballots ahead of time and "adjust." But at the same time there can be a last minute false flag or something happens where we cannot go to vote.
This is a Q site. Trust the Plan and believe that the 2020 steal was allowed to happen. Stop vote fretting like a bitch. Don’t hitch your wagon to everything that Trump says in the media. Sometimes, misinfo is necessary to panic the enemy. When Trump is supposedly telling his voters to use the bullshit voting methods, he’s really telling the commies to increase their steal attempt. They’ll hang themselves. Don’t get caught in the noose. Vote in person on Election Day like a non-weirdo. Don’t overthink the steal. If the Plan fails and the election has not been secured, then early postal votes for Trump won’t count anyway. If the steal happens, then the majority of the country will have all the justification to go kinetic, which is really what terrifies the commies. That’s why the commies twisted their panties and bent over backwards to make examples of the loose pebbles such as the January Sixers. If the commies pull their shit again, it won’t just be unarmed grannies taking guided tours of the Crapitol.
But it won’t come to that. Trust the Plan.