I think the plan is any survivors will be sent to the US as we need more migrants and refugees. Solves several problems: Helps destroy the USA and makes for prime real estate of Gaza which will be rebuilt into a Dubai like super city minus the actual semitic "trash".
More please!
As any country with a conscience and moral should do.
Well then, all of the Palestinian refugees should be sent there.
what kind of retard logic is this?
If any country officially recognizes any other country, then she should have all the refugees sent there?
it's idiot logic.
I think the plan is any survivors will be sent to the US as we need more migrants and refugees. Solves several problems: Helps destroy the USA and makes for prime real estate of Gaza which will be rebuilt into a Dubai like super city minus the actual semitic "trash".
And don't forget the Ben Gurion Canal!
As the USA has done opening our borders to the rest of the world.