Almost all our greatest discoveries were resisted with the same vigor as you displayed. Have you ever investigated esoteric sciences? Channels such as Kryon or off-planet information, or any interdimensional sources (outside 3D), read books like "Conversations with God" or "The Field"? Well, take none as gospel. But read to comprehend what they propose, digest it first, then archive them.
At some point, given your accumulated archives, some scientific dots start to connect. Terrence is connecting some for me. I am not saying you are wrong. I am saying I don't disregard the idea he could be right. Based on what I know, from many scientist like Nassim Harimein, the HeartMath Institute, etc, what he is saying makes complete sense.
So never be to quick to judge science. Let it play out. It will always surprise you.
Almost all our greatest discoveries were resisted with the same vigor as you displayed. Have you ever investigated esoteric sciences? Channels such as Kryon or off-planet information, or any interdimensional sources (outside 3D), read books like "Conversations with God" or "The Field"? Well, take none as gospel. But read to comprehend what they propose, digest it first, then archive them.
At some point, given your accumulated archives, some scientific dots start to connect. Terrence is connecting some for me. I am not saying you are wrong. I am saying I don't disregard the idea he could be right. Based on what I know, from many scientist like Nassim Harimein, the HeartMath Institute, etc, what he is saying makes complete sense.
So never be to quick to judge science. Let it play out. It will always surprise you.