DEATH THREAT: Georgian PM Says EU Commissioner Menaced Him With ‘The Fate of Robert Fico’, as the US Increases Pressure Against ‘Foreign Agent Law’
The whole world needs accountability. It's not just us in the U.S.
Corruption is bountiful. Every Eastern/Western sovereign State is threatened by the corrupt corporate globalists and the CCP. And intelligence services will find some way to control the leaders of sovereign States, by hook or crook, to put the sovereign State under their control. And if that does not work, false flags are created, as an excuse to go in with military force. A recipe with a few ingredient changes that has been used for a eons. A basic recipe that never goes away. The names of the players will change... Are we at the point now that the corporate globalists/CCP have finally brought it to the final stage in the current cycle? Eventually the corporate globalists will duke it out with the CCP. Or maybe a civilizational ending world cataclysmic event(s). Earthquakes? Volcanic eruptions causing an ice age? Great Flood? Asteroid showers? Just what will it be? Will GOD clean house? Nuclear Armageddon? Aliens so far advanced that we are just piss ants they exterminate? What is your favorite apocalyptic film? Is this worthy for a post of it's own? KEK
Amen, otherwise this will never stop.