He claimed to be vegetarian before doing his "Super Size Me" thing. That was one of the first bits of bullshit I called on it as I've never seen a vegetarian just suddenly go to a meat heavy diet and if that really was the case how many of his health issues played up for the movie were pre-existing from being a malnourished vegetarian and how many were from his body not remembering how to process all the new food he was eating and having difficulty adjusting?
He claimed to be vegetarian before doing his "Super Size Me" thing. That was one of the first bits of bullshit I called on it as I've never seen a vegetarian just suddenly go to a meat heavy diet and if that really was the case how many of his health issues played up for the movie were pre-existing from being a malnourished vegetarian and how many were from his body not remembering how to process all the new food he was eating and having difficulty adjusting?