posted ago by purkiss80 ago by purkiss80 +119 / -0

"It’s historic in ways we don’t even know quite yet, but that I believe we can feel by watching its fallout over the coming days.

There is something intrinsic, American and yes, racial at play, here, and I think it’s something the Deep State fears more than anything else.

It’s been said that the Awakening will spread worldwide, and I believe that’s the case.

But it hasn’t even truly reached a fever pitch in our own lands. That day is coming, and I think we’re beginning to transition from the ‘very slowly’ phase to the ‘all at once’ coda.

The Awakening was never targeted at Anons and Truthers, even though we've largely powered it.

It was always targeted at those caught in the nightmare.

Our purpose isn't fulfilled by their awakening, but rather its aftermath"

(Burning Bright)