Hmmm... I've voiced my opinion on here a couple times about Israel... I'll keep it mild this time though... I think the ICC is on the right track and the fact that Netenyahu and other world officials are condemning the ICC for pursuing and filing charges against not only Israel and HAMAS leaders complaining as well, speaks volumes as to how much the world leaders are compromised by Israel... I fully support the ICC in this matter of charging both sides of war crimes against humanity in this conflict... Cheers my friend... ☕️☕️☕️
I completely agree u/ashlanddog... The most recent bombing that "killed two high ranking HAMAS officials" yet 35 people mostly women and children is an atrocity that Israel feels is justified... Netenyahu recently said that "they are not a vasal state of the USA but rather the other way around..." This is information that I've gathered on these boards and it has solidified my opinion on Israel's war atrocities as well as those perpetrated by HAMAS...
When I was a hot-head student I took a Sophomore Politics class to fulfill my 'other' requirements (was Science Major). Anyway, the prof started talking about the difference between offensive and defensive weapons, and talked about collateral damage. I asked him whether he meant civilian deaths, and he replied 'unfortunate, but yes'.
There was a gasp in the 100 auditorium. Then, I stood up, walked out, and never went there again.
"Collateral" damage is unacceptable if it means the deaths of innocents period end of discussion in my book... What sits in power in Israel right now and claims rights "given to them by God" are the not the people He promised the land of Israel to. As you stated, when God returns the land to the true Hebrews no military force will be needed...
Hmmm... I've voiced my opinion on here a couple times about Israel... I'll keep it mild this time though... I think the ICC is on the right track and the fact that Netenyahu and other world officials are condemning the ICC for pursuing and filing charges against not only Israel and HAMAS leaders complaining as well, speaks volumes as to how much the world leaders are compromised by Israel... I fully support the ICC in this matter of charging both sides of war crimes against humanity in this conflict... Cheers my friend... ☕️☕️☕️
...the murder of women and children is evil....
I completely agree u/ashlanddog... The most recent bombing that "killed two high ranking HAMAS officials" yet 35 people mostly women and children is an atrocity that Israel feels is justified... Netenyahu recently said that "they are not a vasal state of the USA but rather the other way around..." This is information that I've gathered on these boards and it has solidified my opinion on Israel's war atrocities as well as those perpetrated by HAMAS...
...when God returns the true Hebrews to the Holy Land, they will not require "military aid" from anyone...
Exactly my friend, exactly...
When I was a hot-head student I took a Sophomore Politics class to fulfill my 'other' requirements (was Science Major). Anyway, the prof started talking about the difference between offensive and defensive weapons, and talked about collateral damage. I asked him whether he meant civilian deaths, and he replied 'unfortunate, but yes'.
There was a gasp in the 100 auditorium. Then, I stood up, walked out, and never went there again.
"Collateral" damage is unacceptable if it means the deaths of innocents period end of discussion in my book... What sits in power in Israel right now and claims rights "given to them by God" are the not the people He promised the land of Israel to. As you stated, when God returns the land to the true Hebrews no military force will be needed...