ashlanddog 0 points ago +1 / -1

...flint against flint...

ashlanddog 0 points ago +1 / -1

...thank God for loopholes...


ashlanddog 0 points ago +1 / -1

...wags tail triumphantly...

ashlanddog 1 point ago +1 / -0

Charles Haddon Spurgeon January 10th — Evening Reading

"In my flesh shall I see God." — Job 19:26

Mark the subject of Job's devout anticipation "I shall see God." He does not say, "I shall see the saints"-though doubtless that will be untold felicity-but, "I shall see God." It is not-"I shall see the pearly gates, I shall behold the walls of jasper, I shall gaze upon the crowns of gold," but "I shall see God." This is the sum and substance of heaven, this is the joyful hope of all believers. It is their delight to see Him now in the ordinances by faith. They love to behold Him in communion and in prayer; but there in heaven they shall have an open and unclouded vision, and thus seeing "Him as He is," shall be made completely like Him. Likeness to God-what can we wish for more? And a sight of God-what can we desire better? Some read the passage, "Yet, I shall see God in my flesh," and find here an allusion to Christ, as the "Word made flesh," and that glorious beholding of Him which shall be the splendour of the latter days. Whether so or not it is certain that Christ shall be the object of our eternal vision; nor shall we ever want any joy beyond that of seeing Him. Think not that this will be a narrow sphere for the mind to dwell in. It is but one source of delight, but that source is infinite. All His attributes shall be subjects for contemplation, and as He is infinite under each aspect, there is no fear of exhaustion. His works, His gifts, His love to us, and His glory in all His purposes, and in all His actions, these shall make a theme which will be ever new. The patriarch looked forward to this sight of God as a personal enjoyment. "Whom mine eye shall behold, and not another." Take realizing views of heaven's bliss; think what it will be to you. "Thine eyes shall see the King in His beauty." All earthly brightness fades and darkens as we gaze upon it, but here is a brightness which can never dim, a glory which can never fade-"I shall see God."

ashlanddog 0 points ago +1 / -1

...give 'em time mate...

ashlanddog 4 points ago +4 / -0

...there is plenty of time to do both, just skip the "ball"...


ashlanddog 2 points ago +2 / -0

I trust only God and his Son Jesus.

That is where my faith begins and ends.

ashlanddog 1 point ago +1 / -0

Charles Haddon Spurgeon January 10th — Evening Reading

"In my flesh shall I see God." — Job 19:26

Mark the subject of Job's devout anticipation "I shall see God." He does not say, "I shall see the saints"-though doubtless that will be untold felicity-but, "I shall see God." It is not-"I shall see the pearly gates, I shall behold the walls of jasper, I shall gaze upon the crowns of gold," but "I shall see God." This is the sum and substance of heaven, this is the joyful hope of all believers. It is their delight to see Him now in the ordinances by faith. They love to behold Him in communion and in prayer; but there in heaven they shall have an open and unclouded vision, and thus seeing "Him as He is," shall be made completely like Him. Likeness to God-what can we wish for more? And a sight of God-what can we desire better? Some read the passage, "Yet, I shall see God in my flesh," and find here an allusion to Christ, as the "Word made flesh," and that glorious beholding of Him which shall be the splendour of the latter days. Whether so or not it is certain that Christ shall be the object of our eternal vision; nor shall we ever want any joy beyond that of seeing Him. Think not that this will be a narrow sphere for the mind to dwell in. It is but one source of delight, but that source is infinite. All His attributes shall be subjects for contemplation, and as He is infinite under each aspect, there is no fear of exhaustion. His works, His gifts, His love to us, and His glory in all His purposes, and in all His actions, these shall make a theme which will be ever new. The patriarch looked forward to this sight of God as a personal enjoyment. "Whom mine eye shall behold, and not another." Take realizing views of heaven's bliss; think what it will be to you. "Thine eyes shall see the King in His beauty." All earthly brightness fades and darkens as we gaze upon it, but here is a brightness which can never dim, a glory which can never fade-"I shall see God."

ashlanddog 1 point ago +1 / -0

Charles Haddon Spurgeon January 11th — Morning Reading

"These have no root." — Luke 8:13

My soul, examine thyself this morning by the light of this text. Thou hast received the word with joy; thy feelings have been stirred and a lively impression has been made; but, remember, that to receive the word in the ear is one thing, and to receive Jesus into thy very soul is quite another; superficial feeling is often joined to inward hardness of heart, and a lively impression of the word is not always a lasting one. In the parable, the seed in one case fell upon ground having a rocky bottom, covered over with a thin layer of earth; when the seed began to take root, its downward growth was hindered by the hard stone and therefore it spent its strength in pushing its green shoot aloft as high as it could, but having no inward moisture derived from root nourishment, it withered away. Is this my case? Have I been making a fair show in the flesh without having a corresponding inner life? Good growth takes place upwards and downwards at the same time. Am I rooted in sincere fidelity and love to Jesus? If my heart remains unsoftened and unfertilized by grace, the good seed may germinate for a season, but it must ultimately wither, for it cannot flourish on a rocky, unbroken, unsanctified heart. Let me dread a godliness as rapid in growth and as wanting in endurance as Jonah's gourd; let me count the cost of being a follower of Jesus, above all let me feel the energy of His Holy Spirit, and then I shall possess an abiding and enduring seed in my soul. If my mind remains as obdurate as it was by nature, the sun of trial will scorch, and my hard heart will help to cast the heat the more terribly upon the ill-covered seed, and my religion will soon die, and my despair will be terrible; therefore, O heavenly Sower, plough me first, and then cast the truth into me, and let me yield Thee a bounteous harvest.

ashlanddog 1 point ago +1 / -0

Friday Poem... Arthur Schopenhauer - The Fire Burns


Taki - Fine Lines


How To Use Your Body To Make Yourself Happier


What Matters More for Longevity: Genes or Lifestyle? It depends on what your goal is.


Depopulation: A Space Odyssey.


Radio Caroline, the Pirate Radio Ship That Rocked the British Music World


The Worst Of Babylon Bee

Nation Gets Preview Of Gavin Newsom Presidency


Newsom Reassures Fire Victims He’ll Be Prepared Next Time, Now That He Knows Water Is Useful In Fighting Fires


Girl Fireman Rushes Into Burning Building To Tell Victim He's Too Heavy But The Real Firemen Will Be Here In 15 Minutes


A.I. To Be Trained On Reddit To Make Sure It Never Becomes Too Intelligent


Cruel: Trump Sentenced To Drink Only Diet Pepsi


ashlanddog 2 points ago +2 / -0

...I just put up a link to a Daily Mail article that says she is on very thin ice...

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