I may get down-dooted into oblivion, but I agree…no one was forced. Take myself as an example, I was told:
a) Take it or you will be fired. I CHOSE TO SAY NO!
b) I was told to ASK for a religious exemption. To me this is worse than being fired. NO ONE BUT MY GOD can judge my status. NO ONE. Why would I give that power to judge my relationship with my God to some blue-haired degenerate?
I think many who CHOSE to take it are saying they were FORCED…. But instead they were FORCED TO CHOOSE and they chose wrong. They were weak when it counted. Sorry, but the Truth can hurt.
Lastly, I’ll say that I think that the jab could be the mark of the beast. It contains an ingredient called LUCIFERACE (sp?), as well as DNA. Who knows if it is/will affect the God gene.
I may get down-dooted into oblivion, but I agree…no one was forced. Take myself as an example, I was told: a) Take it or you will be fired. I CHOSE TO SAY NO!
b) I was told to ASK for a religious exemption. To me this is worse than being fired. NO ONE BUT MY GOD can judge my status. NO ONE. Why would I give that power to judge my relationship with my God to some blue-haired degenerate?
I think many who CHOSE to take it are saying they were FORCED…. But instead they were FORCED TO CHOOSE and they chose wrong. They were weak when it counted. Sorry, but the Truth can hurt.
Lastly, I’ll say that I think that the jab could be the mark of the beast. It contains an ingredient called LUCIFERACE (sp?), as well as DNA. Who knows if it is/will affect the God gene.
End of rant.
You are 100% correct.