ME thinks that everyone is missing something...SOMEONE put a bug in her ear to do this NOW so as to REALLY GUM UP the works...because from here on out...IT IS A FELONY TO DENY A DEFENDANT THEIR RIGHT TO A FAIR TRIAL...the Trial is BASICALLY OVER except for the jury decision...AND when that decision drops, expedited to the NEW YORK SUPREME COURT AND THEN TO EITHER FEDERAL DISTRICT COURT OR SUPREME COURT...
This is going to be so much fun to watch the butt hurt come on these a$$holes that they will NEVER hold a position in any of the JUDICIAL SYSTEMS in the United States!!!!!
ME thinks that everyone is missing something...SOMEONE put a bug in her ear to do this NOW so as to REALLY GUM UP the works...because from here on out...IT IS A FELONY TO DENY A DEFENDANT THEIR RIGHT TO A FAIR TRIAL...the Trial is BASICALLY OVER except for the jury decision...AND when that decision drops, expedited to the NEW YORK SUPREME COURT AND THEN TO EITHER FEDERAL DISTRICT COURT OR SUPREME COURT...
This is going to be so much fun to watch the butt hurt come on these a$$holes that they will NEVER hold a position in any of the JUDICIAL SYSTEMS in the United States!!!!!