Info like this will never "just be released" because it would rock the boat too hard and destabilize society. There will NEVER be full disclosure. You need to think about the implications. This os spelled out in the mj12 drops.
They will however, release some things and I agree - it should be digitized and made available online for anyone to access, but... think about the reality of that...If someone asks a specific question, the answer may be rather entangled... so I doubt it's going to be anything online like you'd hope.
Info like this will never "just be released" because it would rock the boat too hard and destabilize society. There will NEVER be full disclosure. You need to think about the implications. This os spelled out in the mj12 drops.
They will however, release some things and I agree - it should be digitized and made available online for anyone to access, but... think about the reality of that...If someone asks a specific question, the answer may be rather entangled... so I doubt it's going to be anything online like you'd hope.