Elites Found Another Way To Human Traffic Pretty Girls For The Obscenely Rich
Elites have found a way to make sex trafficking upscale with a new app, FlyMeOut.
While the app’s terms of service claim the company “stand[s] firmly against any form of exploitation, especially those involving minors or human trafficking,” this is essentially what it will be accomplishing. In what world will a wealthy man with access to a private jet and a sprawling suite with pool and dome views in Greece spend the time or money on an 18+ woman and not expect more than a smile when the sun goes down?
In the age of OnlyFans, our culture has become so disconnected from morality and desensitized by degeneracy that FlyMeOut will seem like a low-risk way for women without the means to travel themselves to find their way to beaches they otherwise wouldn’t. But at what cost?
Because we glorify instant gratification and trade sex for likes, it won’t even register to these women that their future husbands will be horrified to learn of their willingness to give themselves to a stranger for the chance to take Instagram pics on a beach. In ten years, Reddit will be filled with posts of 30-something men who found out that the mother of their children used to be a frequent flyer on beachthot.com and find themselves asking AITA (Am I The A**hole) for looking at my wife differently, knowing she sold her self for a trip to Dubi.
It’s hard to judge who is more in the wrong here. Is it the rich men who know their wealth can buy bodies or the women who know their bodies are up for sale? Either way, this can only end badly for the women used by FlyMeOut.
How are we supposed to market a traditional life with more meaning when our culture sells trips to Paris for the “small” price of women’s souls?
We have to be a bit more discriminate with language. Are these women being "trafficked?" OnlyFans isn't trafficking. It's voluntary self-exploitation. These women go to great lengths to exploit themselves. These are the women who buy thousands of dollars of camera equipment to see up personal film studios in the apartments and local gyms where they film themselves wearing next to nothing doing suggestive things. And that's just the stuff you can talk about in polite conversation. The other stuff is literally porn - all voluntary.
This new website is voluntary, too. It's no different than the sugar daddy websites or the so-called "escort" services. They sell it like it's just good company with a beautiful, engaging woman, but everyone knows what's intended to happen at the end of the evening to earn that paycheck. It's like the casting couch in Hollywood. Those girls KNEW what the bargain was. They either made the deal and got their payment in the form of a starring role, or they rejected the offer and never worked as an actress again.
This is NOT trafficking. There's a huge difference here. Yes, it's exploitative. Yes, it blurs a ton of lines, but ultimately she chooses to do it. That doesn't happen in trafficking. If a girl's being trafficked, she's being forced to do it. There's physical violence, emotional abuse. Many times these girls are deliberately exposed to addictive drugs just to make them dependent and easy to control by the trafficker. This is a crime. It's clear, black and white. There is no gray area here.
You might debate the OF and other garbage with a libertarian and have them say it's ok. You would NEVER find a libertarian who says this kind of coercion and force is ok.
To me, it's all exploitation. The sheer temptation of providing a luxury lifestyle and ludicrous amounts of money is itself the coercive element to a normal woman weighing her options of that vs a shitty 9-to-5 in a call center or slinging coffee for Starschmucks slaving for barely enough hourly to pay rent. But my point is there's a difference.
Well said