I know we've all expected some kind of shoe to drop for a really long time.
And I'm going through my own personal issues now... and I know the world has quite a bit going on as far as problems and things to be concerned with - inflation, physical wars, psychological warfare, cern, so many things
But honestly. Something just feels ... off. I can't really put into words what the feeling is. For lack of words, it just simply feels like something very bad is on the horizon - like days away. I'm feeling like apocalyptic type. It's almost like a gut or intuition feeling.
To add to it, things just don't feel normal. Like this reality, the fabric of this reality just don't feel the same as they did 4 years ago. Sure, that could be demoralization tactics that are being used. But I've had some very, very odd things occur that I just simply can't explain.
Feeling really uneasy last few days, like we are teetering on something massive. Does anyone else feel this way?
I honestly feel like it is. I feel like we are in the end times. But at the same time I don't know if that's just because I'm dealing with so much on a personal level. I think of all the people that said the same during WW2, but then, at the same time, I refer to my Bible which says that all of the following which have happened:
Really does feel like it is playing out. If that's the case, I look forward to going home. And as scripture tells us, pray always that we are deemed worthy to stand before the alter of God. And, additionally. the primary one I keep telling myself: Those who endure until the end will be saved.