posted ago by ThreeOneFIve ago by ThreeOneFIve +19 / -0

Can we strike a balance here?

I agree that children need to be protected.

But the latest wave of busting people for age of consent violations has had witch-hunt style collateral damage.

There are (many) cases where both parties involved were above the age of consent when the older person was busted.

In the case of high school teachers; if the student is above the age of consent, this is more of an issue or professional disciplinary action (banning them from being a teacher, firing them, etc.) rather than an issue of the law.

If a person is of the age of consent and gives verbal consent in writing

Then they are above the age of consent, and have given verbal consent in writing.

You can't say we live in a free country if you bust people for exercising those freedoms

You can't have it both ways.

People on the extreme left want open pedophilia AND THIS IS IMMORAL, ILLEGAL, AND UNETHICAL

People on the extreme right want a theocracy where you have to be a married 30 year old limp dick accountant to have sex for the first time.

I think we can do better than ruining honest peoples lives while the real demons (child traffickers) run amok.


Or throw stones at me?

Also; The Bible has no age of consent.

A 16 year old can drive a car, get a bank account, work a job, go to college early if they excel, and start a business and even get married in some jurisdictions. Basically a young adult.