History repeats itself after Trumps conviction
- N C S W I C -
Quote by admiral Yamamoto after the Pearl Harbor attack..
“I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve.”
I agree completely .... It had to be done this way..precedent is now set.. we were all told this will be a bumpy ride.....
I was holding out for a better court outcome, but Trump evidently needed this so he could remake the justice system. More bumps to come. Stay frosty.
i was hoping for a better outcome also but thinking about it this is probably the most eye opening.....DJT will never see jail time as all the appeals are exhausted...but support for him is off the charts...with the precedent set Obummer,Slick Willie, Bush and the rest should be shaking....the train is coming and has no brakes...more eyes were opened by this and the fallout will be enormous