( My Name Redacted, Work Computer)
Is there any data out there Dr. Weir regarding the impact the New Arrivals, Many who get paid cash, no taxes, has on our SS projections? There has been many millions just in the last 3.5 years, not to mention the 5 decades worth already here. They aren't paying taxes quite often, in fact no tax cash jobs dominate many work choices. I am in my 46th year of paying in, and I'm collecting minus the under FRA Cap claw backs. So I pay in, lose some, and am taxed on whatever I do get, and Medicare is like 200 bucks for part be. Thank you to our Globalist WEF leadership.
@MyGovExpert 2 hours ago Zero negative affect on SSA. Actually, we come out WAY AHEAD!!
( My Name Redacted, Work Computer)
@MyGovExpert Not for the Millions who pay in Zero buddy... I worked a few cash jobs as a youth.
This Guy is definitely the real deal, recently retired, he has a lot of good information, but his PHD education didn't allow him to see the fact that I was talking about the cash paid workers.
I bet his Butthole Puckered as his Inner Libtard shoved it's way to the forefront.
Who is MyGovExpert?
And what is the channel?
Linked it. I have been investigating how SS works for my situation, and he seems the most knowledgeable of the 5-6 channels I viewed. He has a lot of content, I suspect he started the YouTube to be a retirement job. However, I seem to have found a topic he won't cover. What I commented was pretty clear to understand if not eloquent.
I collect Information RE: Illegals, but its just from talking with them, there is no sauce.
For Example, the building I work in is about half full, the largest anchor tenant finished their multi floor buildout. I chatted with the Drywallers multiple times, I'm security. They received 20 bucks an hour cash No benefits, no taxes, no 1.5 for overtime (I don't think they worked much OT anyways)
Another example, the cleaning company that does the amenities area, the lobby, and a few offices. She is 24, paid 20K to get asylum years back, green card... She cleans 4-5 buildings, but also has some workers under her. In 6 months she has traveled to Central America twice, she can't go to her own country due to the asylum. She meets family in neighboring countries. She gives them coyote down payment. Several family members of hers fill in when she is gone. She told me the night cleaners earn 15 bucks an hour cash, while during business hours cleaners make 13-14.
I don't know if she only funds workers for her company, or if its only family. She has a nice convertible and SUV but neither are new. Also odd that she cleans 4-5 buildings. She isn't the subcontractor, I don't know who that is. Maybe this girl makes interest off the down payment loan. Maybe she does make a bit off their hours, I dunno.
Someone good at digging through how the money is funneled to the workers is needed..
Some of the Illegals do have an TIN, they need to do that to get a green card anyways, if that is their goal. Off work, can't continue this until I'm home.
Know what really pisses me off? These old people who are brought to this country by their children who've immigrated here. The parent doesn't speak English and is getting Medicare. I can guarantee these free loaders never paid into the system. How the f do they qualify for Medicare? 😤😤
My wife is Filipino and her Aunt and Uncle were brought to America by their kids. They came to America well past 65. They became US citizens after 5 years. They both get hardship SS of 700 (Back 9 years ago, its more now) I like them, the Uncle helped me do a charity project. However, I only got 1049 SS starting 3 years ago, and I paid into the system 43 years then, and now I am at 46 years. Why should they get SS?
The Kicker? 1 of their children is just under a VP for Target, a computer geek, another pilot's cruise ships for Carnival, a third is an RN, and the 4th is an RN in management. All have well-employed husbands or wives. At least they pay in more than the parents collect.
Note: A friend of my wife brought her father here trying to do the same, but he got denied citizenship after answering he could not support himself. So I guess things changed.