posted ago by Malachi3vs16 ago by Malachi3vs16 +24 / -0

United States v. Goyal (2010), McAfee case, Goyal was CFO, conviction overturned after a panel of judges of federal Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals found the trial court finding was wrong and it was not proven there was intent to defraud. https://caselaw.findlaw.com/court/us-9th-circuit/1547976.html. ___ just posting hope for DJT ___ at The Federalist, M.D. Kittle’s interview with attorney and former Federal Election Commission member H. A. von Spakovsky expounds upon appeal possibilities: https://thefederalist.com/2024/05/31/intentional-misfeasance-makes-show-trial-conviction-ripe-for-reversal-legal-experts-say/ ___Edit: New York alleged, but not legally established in law, in legal history, that hush payments are campaign expenditures that need to be reported. The jury was led to believe so, but I do not see any cases or statutes that declare hush payments are campaign expenditures. This could possibly be a matter for appeal?