Malachi3vs16 2 points ago +2 / -0

https://www.walkfree.org/who-we-are/ (these human rights workers show their faces, so they put themselves on the line, backing up their stats with their personal integrity on the line). ____Ukraine: https://www.walkfree.org/global-slavery-index/country-studies/ukraine/ ____ neighboring country comparison: https://cdn.walkfree.org/content/uploads/2023/09/29084557/GSI-Snapshot-Ukraine.pdf

Malachi3vs16 2 points ago +2 / -0

Henry Cabot Lodge Fight at Congress Senate halls against pacifists. https://www.masshist.org/database/viewer.php?item_id=3481&pid=3____ I could not find the original document, it would have been nice if Wall Street Apes wrote where he got his doc. posted from. But the masshist link confirms Henry C. Lodge = pro-WW1 entry on 1917. Cabot shared in his letter about his fight to former President TR.

Malachi3vs16 1 point ago +1 / -0

True for Washington state, Seattle area, constitutionalists can take advantage in western Washington and Wisconsin

Malachi3vs16 2 points ago +2 / -0

I see, true words, There should not be…. I just searched for lawyers during the Roman Republic and ancient Israel. There are orators, philosophers, teachers and mentors, but no difficult legalese concepts and no deceptive bar associations!

Malachi3vs16 2 points ago +2 / -0

just got inspired to ask, should there only be 1 BAR association in each state, monopolization, or should there be 2 or 3, like American and National league, and a Libertarian? I am against the monopoly, inspired by your post. P.S. If any of the Free States that aren’t California, they could invite Eastman to practice in their State. But eventually California will be found to be the fraudsters, and Jim Eastman the honorable man.

Malachi3vs16 3 points ago +3 / -0

Most property is only available for purchase giving limited rights in “fee simple”. Only Texas and Nevada allow for “allodium” or “allodial title” in which case such property owners will have no mortgage (French for death pledge mort + gage) and the property owner gives up any rights to public services. 1) Aries Hilton wrote in story form how to go about it in Texas : https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/allodial-title-form-absolute-land-ownership-aries-hilton-smfgc ____ 2) if you are not in Texas or Nevada, know that there are property rights WINS in many areas: https://pacificlegal.org/ 3) Miki Klann might be a good group for networking with likeminded property owners https://thepeoplesoperationrestoration.com/ ____4) A Florida attorney also wrote about Allodial titleat http://www.benmerguilaw.com/resources/allodial-title.html

Malachi3vs16 3 points ago +3 / -0

Thanks, your topic post here and thread is important. Paul Mitchell put in a lot of work as Supreme Law Firm, retired for past 6 years. I just found the 1990s case where the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals held that Bureau AT [F]ibbers has jurisdiction over the “first sale” of a firearm brought in to the country. U.S. v. F.J. Vollmer & Co.. 1 F.3d 1511 (1993). https://casetext.com/case/us-v-fj-vollmer-co-inc. (search “first sale” in text to find relevant section /understanding of the Commerce Clause application)

Malachi3vs16 3 points ago +3 / -0

Commerce Clause issues, possibly the unconstitutional regulatory change could lead to a new Supreme Court case and reign it in back to original Constitution meaning of interstate commerce. a) In the 3rd Circuit Court of Appeals, Justice Alito in his secondary role as Circuit Judge wrote a great dissent in **U.S. **v. Ryan where Alito considered it an overreach of the commerce clause by the federal government to convict Ryan for possession of an outlawed gun. https://casetext.com/case/us-v-rybar-103-f3d-273 ____ b) Alito’s dissent in a) + a review of a 1990’s appellate court decision that the federal court had jurisdiction up to a third sale of a gun first brought in 1 state from state 2 (sorry, I forgot this case name from c. 1996) could ——> (lead to) c) a future Supreme Court decision reigning in federal exercise of commerce clause power in relation to the 2nd Amendment. ____. My favorite constitutional law citizens’ link: Supreme Law Firm https://www.supremelaw.org

Malachi3vs16 1 point ago +1 / -0

Possibly with Touchstone Zeolite Pure Body Extra. I am not a detox expert, but touchstone Essential asserts that their liquid zeolite product is designed to detox the body of heavy metals including nickel. https://thegoodinside.com/shop/product/zeolite-detox-pack?_gl=15g46ig_up*MQ..&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI4NSw3ZTkhQMV1IhaBR3KewbPEAAYASAAEgKqofD_BwE. This chlorella product is designed for recovery from radiation damage, but their team seems to be formidable. https://bioage.com/product-category/biosuperfood/ref/18/

Malachi3vs16 3 points ago +3 / -0

Will all of the cars, trucks, vans, and mini-vans be placed in a junkyard in the fake president’s home state? Would 81 million vehicles fit in a junkyard in Delaware?

Malachi3vs16 2 points ago +2 / -0

upvoted! Revelation 1:7. (Apokalypsi in Greek, “Unveiling”). https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Revelation%201%3A7&version=ESV (other translations can be selected there, King James…)

Malachi3vs16 2 points ago +2 / -0

In addition to Q question, I like Robert Eisenman’s 900+ page book on “James the Brother of Jesus”. Eisenman taught at California State U., Long Beach, and was a Dead Sea Scrolls expert (Qumran community). He noticed that the Gospels had passages that favor following the teachings/Books of Moses, and there are passages that seem to indicate the Torah books of Moses no longer need to be observed and followed. Matthew chapter 5 is a key chapter to look at. ___ Also, the Father’s name was taught to the disciples John 17 verse 6, yet few seek to know this as it was changed to “LORD” 7,000 times in the books of Moses, Psalms…

Malachi3vs16 2 points ago +2 / -0

This is an important explanation showing how the Vaxx makers and NVICP affected the Supreme Court decision. It does look like the Children’s HD has this part right, as you summarized perfectly. This time may the Sup. Ct. justices eyes be opened to the facts and truth.

Malachi3vs16 2 points ago +2 / -0

I hope this team will provide scientific research and not simply statistical evidence. If they can show that childhood vaccines are a causal factor of autism by negatively changing children’s brain chemistry, directly, or alternatively indirectly through the gut microbiome, then I think they might be on to something. But bringing a case and simply saying that ever since the 1986 laws protecting vax manufacturersand ever since 1990 change in childhood vaccinations = increase in autism, I don’t think they have a winning argument to convince the courts.____ Here’s a study correlating gut microbiome to autism: https://www.euronews.com/health/2023/07/11/groundbreaking-research-reveals-definitive-association-between-gut-microbiome-and-autism ( https://archive.ph/30pFv ). Other research can show that childhood vaccines can alter infants’ gut microbiome, waiting for the studies on this. Got to put the 2 factors together to make a solid case. I believe this is hero Dr. Andrew Wakefield’s thesis, that too much vaccinations (MMR, for example) lead to autism in many children.

Malachi3vs16 3 points ago +3 / -0

Two 13s, good find! (1.3 seconds and #13 on the jersey) Q post 1313 = Patriots fight.. Dan Scavino is being motivational. https://qalerts.app/?n=1313&lang= ____ also the 31 is inverse or mirror so the Q team shows us who patriots are fighting: https://qalerts.app/?n=3131

Malachi3vs16 2 points ago +2 / -0

I appreciate Paul Craig Roberts, who served as Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy for a year under Ronald Reagan. I don’t think that the WEF people doing the Great Reset will win. But as Q said, the ending won’t be for everyone, especially for them. It will be their end—the WEF crowd’s hold on America.. Ed Dowd said in a Kitco interview that there will only be 6 banks left in 2025. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A2G3MAxdZfU. — Back to Q analysis though, as the military steps in, constitutional order will be restored, and constitutional money. I know of one honest libertarian who is setting up a bank. It is not named yet, but when it is ready I am sure it will become well known here.

Malachi3vs16 7 points ago +7 / -0

+1 upvote, I am an optimist too. There will be a lot of trouble, I think tangibles and supplies will help protect prudent people. As economic and political troubles reach the precipice level, will the globalist elites claim victory with a central bank coin, fake meat, $200 oil and electric vehicles? I don’t think so. With these troubles come further GreatAwakening.

Malachi3vs16 1 point ago +1 / -0

Good post, I read them. This is true, that they use terms of art and create definitions that normal people would shake their heads in disgust, if awakened. Having studied this from the 1990s, there are many supporting arguments I’ve been taught, including: The Trading With the Enemy Act of 1917, participation in the UN, 1950s revision of the internal revenue codes…. The IRS will end when gold ends the Fed, so I would not focus on the Infernal revenue service too much.

Malachi3vs16 1 point ago +1 / -0

For pain, Lifewave Patches can help: daytime X39 for inflammation, and Icewave patches daytime and night. X39 for daytime because they give the body energy and reducing inflammation using X39 is best for daytime. Icewave patches are good for both day and night.____ Here’s a Johns Hopkins testimonial, Dr. Paul J. Christo https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/renowned-johns-hopkins-doctor-paul-j-christo-explores-lifewave-phototherapy-technology-300249544.html ____ https://lifewave.com/ ____ they have patches for inflammation X39, pain Icewave, and sleep at night Y-Age Aeon.

Malachi3vs16 1 point ago +1 / -0

To soothe his system until doctors can figure out a plan, ask doctors if marshmallow root can be okay, and olive leaf extract to calm his heart. Olive leaf extract, Oleuropein, NIH study it might protect the heart when experiencing fibrillation, arrhythmia: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3813172/ ____ Olive leaf extract Natural Factors: https://naturalfactors.com/products/olive-leaf-extract ____Marshmallow root https://naturesway.com/products/marshmallow-root?variant=43405113098454. This root is antibacterial.

Malachi3vs16 7 points ago +7 / -0

Good list! When we get the full truth in the future, we can compare with the glimpse given us by A. Ralph Epperson a guest on the “Hour of the Time” back in the 1990s. He covered in his book The Unseen Hand the American Civil War, WW I, WW II, the Korean War, secret societies, Rothschild family, Gold, the Federal Reserve, and the Russian Revolution.___ Here’s his books rated at Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/list/273463.Ralph_Epperson. He covered about 1/3 of coverups on the list.

Malachi3vs16 2 points ago +2 / -0

As a fan of Aslan is on the move, I think this is not clickbait. The Department of Energy is in charge. DOE = some people with Q clearance and oil reserves can be manipulated in white hats favor.

Malachi3vs16 2 points ago +2 / -0

Ah, interesting connection, the book. 1 more upvote, thanks for pointing this out. This got me to thinking about symbolism in books. Notre Dame in Catholic tradition symbolizes “Mary” the mother of christ, and the Obamas represent transitioning from the old world order of traditional values to “Becoming” the way things are portrayed in the legacy news and pop culture. So the globalist elites had their “man” on watch as the Notre Dame burned. Brainstorming the symbolism from your mention of the book!

Malachi3vs16 8 points ago +8 / -0

The best meme, love it! Request: I would like a “Pepe University” created, with Ivermection School of Medicine, John Eastman School of Law, Kash Patel School of National Security, Kari Lake School of Constitutional Government…. I’m not set up for making memes yet. But for the end of May, if someone could create “Pepe U.” and have Pepe giving a commencement address and handing an honorary Doctorate Degree in Law to Donald Trump, I would love that, with rows of Pedes graduating too at this commencement.

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