Keith Gill AKA Roaring Kitty updates his position in GME. BUCKLE UP!
LET'S GOOoOoooo!!!
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Hahaha. Fucking “Lambo Eve”. That is 5⭐️ fuking awesome.
I have zero dawg in this fight, but I really want all you GME Apes and diamond hands to get stupid fucking rich. If you do, take some of that $$ and help us blow up the silver market.
You can still buy tomorrow!
do we know what all of the short sellers bought/borrowed the shares at ? in the $1 range ?
No idea but if the short hedge funds close their positions the stock will skyrocket and they will go bankrupt. They have shorted this thing to oblivion. MSM reports 20% short. Such lies.
I already have some silver, but I will be buy some more and some gold too!
There is still time to buy in.