Instictually, I felt something was wrong. 98% survival rate if you get covid? The tell, free, give away, doughnuts, beer, days off. WTF!!! nothing is free. I NOPED so hard I told my wife. None of us are getting this shit show shot. Then coworkers started to stroke out. Three in my personal department. Wait up, hold on a minute, something ain't right...
For me, it was de Blasio offering a free serving of "really tasty fries"...then he stuffed a bunch in his mouth....and actually said "mmmmm". I had flashbacks to my baby chair days...minus the choo choo. (betcha that's the first time anybody has used the term "choo choo" on this platform. 🤣
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It's not much,but it's honest work.
Instictually, I felt something was wrong. 98% survival rate if you get covid? The tell, free, give away, doughnuts, beer, days off. WTF!!! nothing is free. I NOPED so hard I told my wife. None of us are getting this shit show shot. Then coworkers started to stroke out. Three in my personal department. Wait up, hold on a minute, something ain't right...
For me, it was de Blasio offering a free serving of "really tasty fries"...then he stuffed a bunch in his mouth....and actually said "mmmmm". I had flashbacks to my baby chair days...minus the choo choo. (betcha that's the first time anybody has used the term "choo choo" on this platform. 🤣
Full interview.