Even if what you're alluding to is true, it's a conspiracy among elites. Do you think Hitler's Rothschild ancestors were loyal to Jews or to elite bloodlines? Was Soros loyal to the Jews while he was looting their property?
Anyone blaming "the Jews" does not personally know any Jews. If they did, they'd know that regular Jews have no clue about this stuff. This logic equates to blaming every Catholic for pedo priests. It makes no sense.
And to the Nazi apologists downvoting, you need to come to terms with the fact that the Nazis were anti-Christian pagan socialists. They were the opposite of small-government conservative Christians. Read the writings of the NSDAP predecessor, the Thule Society. Read the pagan occult writings of Guido von List and of Lanz von Liebenfels who published Ostara magazine, which Hitler owned every copy of. It's all polytheist paganism bent toward a Germanic fairytale monarchy. Stop pretending the Nazis had some good ideas when their core beliefs were the opposite of Natural Law and inalienable rights granted by God.
Even if what you're alluding to is true, it's a conspiracy among elites. Do you think Hitler's Rothschild ancestors were loyal to Jews or to elite bloodlines? Was Soros loyal to the Jews while he was looting their property?
Anyone blaming "the Jews" does not personally know any Jews. If they did, they'd know that regular Jews have no clue about this stuff. This logic equates to blaming every Catholic for pedo priests. It makes no sense.
And to the Nazi apologists downvoting, you need to come to terms with the fact that the Nazis were anti-Christian pagan socialists. They were the opposite of small-government conservative Christians. Read the writings of the NSDAP predecessor, the Thule Society. Read the pagan occult writings of Guido von List and of Lanz von Liebenfels who published Ostara magazine, which Hitler owned every copy of. It's all polytheist paganism bent toward a Germanic fairytale monarchy. Stop pretending the Nazis had some good ideas when their core beliefs were the opposite of Natural Law and inalienable rights granted by God.