This is the quote:
"Well, if you're in a nursing home, you only have a five, six-month life expectancy. Almost nobody in a nursing home is in a point to vote."
Link to audio:
Side note: He does not believe that 2020 was stolen but thinks things happened that weren't legit.
This is his explanation/correction of their take on what he said.
Your thoughts? He's definitely a better choice than Tammy Baldwin but this sure doesn't sound good.
I used to work in a number of nursing homes as a swallowing therapist. Most of my patients were close to dying. Swallowing often goes towards the end of life. So I wouldn’t expect any of these kinds of patients to vote. But I used to do brief evals of new residents and many of them were cognitively intact. So I believe these people have every right to vote.
I am a poll worker in a rural county. Each election there are two people from our Board of Elections (one from each major party) who go together to visit our nursing homes in advance of the elections. They register new residents if they wish to do so.
Then during early voting they bring over absentee ballots and deliver them to the registered residents. Each resident fills out their ballot and seals it inside the absentee ballot envelop. They have to sign the outside along with a witness. Could be a nurse/nursing aide, a family member of present or if no one else is available one of the two election board members. The ballots are all collected that same day and brought back to the county BOE.