104 MSM Takes: If You Don’t Think Miss Alabama Won Fair & Square, You’re a Far-Right Extremist (Video) (conservativeus.com) posted 280 days ago by conservativeamerica 280 days ago by conservativeamerica +104 / -0 MSM Takes: If You Don't Think Miss Alabama Won Fair & Square, You're a Far-Right Extremist (Video) - Conservative US Body positivity started as a powerful response to the media’s fixation on ultra-thin models and unrealistically voluptuous figures. It aimed 67 comments share 67 comments share save hide report block hide replies
More Chins than a chimes phone book and more rolls than a bakery. Taking me back to the 70’s and middle school sixth grade humor
She keeps her diaphragm in a pizza box.
Roll her in flour and look for the wet spot…
She has little people in orbit around her. She can provide her own cooking oil at dinnertime. The Richter Scale has a special signal for when she's walking. Ah yeah, the fat jokes back then were hilarous.