This Is Concerning. We’re Definitely In An Election Year Large Shipping Containers Being Dropped Off In American Neighborhoods & Then Guarded By The Police
“These shipping containers that are hauling military equipment. If you try to even go near there, cops will start coming, and they will try to steal your footage. This is no joke. I'm putting my life on the line to bring you guys this footage”
This man has been documenting this and multiple times these containers have been showing up and unloaded full of military equipment. People in the comments say they’ve seen these in multiple states and it’s being speculated they could be used to arm illegal immigrants or for nefarious actions taking place before the election.
This is a short video. Does not show any military equipment being unloaded. I’m so skeptical nowadays, I’m gonna need more than this video clip to be concerned about this post.
I found a couple other vids from account, don’t have TikTok though. He gets upclose to them. And besides what’s with the police they’re guarding it and his claims of them being aggressive?
He says they’ve been there for weeks come in on huge military trucks and then they unload all sorts of equipment. Also says lot of others claiming to see them all over.
So who are these other people and where are their photos and videos? Why just video of this one spot?
I’m not confirming or denying, but it would appear something is up with the containers with the police presence in that video, the odd eagle logo, and his apparently allegations.