Tim Hannan ( Dr Fauci should sue the shit out of Elon Musk for slander and take this platform from him and Seth Abramson ( What the fuck is wrong with you Elon).
FAUCI torture dogs (puppy beagles) remove the voice box place in a cage with wire mesh over their heads and allow insects to fest on them while ALIVE your tax dollars did that ,,,, HANG FAUCI I’ll pull the lever for free. FAUCI, GOD will allow you a slow and painful death amen
Tim Hannan ( Dr Fauci should sue the shit out of Elon Musk for slander and take this platform from him and Seth Abramson ( What the fuck is wrong with you Elon). FAUCI torture dogs (puppy beagles) remove the voice box place in a cage with wire mesh over their heads and allow insects to fest on them while ALIVE your tax dollars did that ,,,, HANG FAUCI I’ll pull the lever for free. FAUCI, GOD will allow you a slow and painful death amen