30 seats and 31% of the vote SOUNDS good and I'd probably add the 5 seats Reconquête got to that as well, so they're at 35, but realize these were French voters so you've got all their Marxist/Leftist parties together which got 27 MPs for the EU Parliament:
The Socialist Party got 13 seats
The far-left La France Insoumise got 9 seats
The Greenie Les Ecologistes got 5 seats
Then there are 13 MPs from the current ruling coalition and 6 from Les Républicains which I don't know how populist those guys really are considering they're members of Centrist Democrat International and are also described as liberal-conservative. I think in France the center and the center-right is still what we'd call socially left
30 seats and 31% of the vote SOUNDS good and I'd probably add the 5 seats Reconquête got to that as well, so they're at 35, but realize these were French voters so you've got all their Marxist/Leftist parties together which got 27 MPs for the EU Parliament:
Then there are 13 MPs from the current ruling coalition and 6 from Les Républicains which I don't know how populist those guys really are considering they're members of Centrist Democrat International and are also described as liberal-conservative. I think in France the center and the center-right is still what we'd call socially left