WOW 🚨 American Farmer Blowing The Whistle On US Government
JUNE 2024, Idaho Farmer’s Water Is Being Shut Off. “A water shutoff order on literally a half million acres of farmland. — A lot of these farmers, and this impacts about 6,400 water users.”
🧠These people are stupid!
I don’t know Lauren but her comment says she called her own legislator and there was a different story behind this. Just posting in case you Idahoans want to dig a little deeper. Her final paragraph says,
This video isn’t “Bill Gates” or “the State” impeding on farmers. It’s a few negligent counties who aren’t upholding to the court agreements and belong to an association chaired by one of the absolute worst legislators in the state- in attempt to influence a change from “first in time, first in rights” to “first in need” and using her political influence to rob the rest of the state of their surface/ground water to the benefit of her county.