Make harsh punishments to those who hire illegals. With your free money (benefits) cut off, my employment opportunities cut off, the problem sorts itself off rather well. The remainders are the criminaps and well, thats where mass deportation comes in.
Cut off the free money.
Most leave on their own.
Take 50% penalty fees out of the money they send back to their families or cartels for trip to US through western Union.
Okay with me.
150% and tarriffs on the country recieved it.
Make harsh punishments to those who hire illegals. With your free money (benefits) cut off, my employment opportunities cut off, the problem sorts itself off rather well. The remainders are the criminaps and well, thats where mass deportation comes in.
Heavy fines for hiring and then Jail for anyone repeat conviction for hiring.
No Welfare , no job , no problems.
Works for me.
Fund it by ending all foreign aid. Added bonus is that death cult funding is also severely hampered.