Most of them are parasites that are sucking the life's blood out of the American people, and when they become the majority the mother fuckers are absolutely intolerable. I've seen it first hand.
Let's play make-believe for a minute and pretend that there are only 11 million. Remember they've been telling us it's 11 million forever now - like we're always 12 years from the end of the world due to global warming/cooling/climate change/acid rain/hole in the ozone layer/etc...
Every 20ish years that number should triple or quadruple with the amount of kids (or anchor babies) they seem to have. Some also came in with kids. The illegals that got to stay from Reagan's bad deal came in 40 years ago - 2 generations. They had kids, their kids likely had kids, and the kids they originally came in with probably had kids that are having kids now.
None of that is counting the "11 million" that came in under Biden's open borders (and are having kids).
Note - I know only half (or less) of the first group are women so the number starts out lower, but if it is less than 70-80 million by now I'd be shocked.
We are the victims. They are the invaders who are sucking up all our resources, trashing my state, destroying healthcare, forever changing our culture, and end up voting for the same crap they left behind. Oh - I'm damn tired of having to press 1 for English on the phone or even at an ATM.
Only the babies and young kids they drug through the river are innocent victims. Everyone else knew exactly what they were doing, and most of them even funded the cartels with thousands of dollars each so they could do it.
Most of them are parasites that are sucking the life's blood out of the American people, and when they become the majority the mother fuckers are absolutely intolerable. I've seen it first hand.
Let's play make-believe for a minute and pretend that there are only 11 million. Remember they've been telling us it's 11 million forever now - like we're always 12 years from the end of the world due to global warming/cooling/climate change/acid rain/hole in the ozone layer/etc...
Every 20ish years that number should triple or quadruple with the amount of kids (or anchor babies) they seem to have. Some also came in with kids. The illegals that got to stay from Reagan's bad deal came in 40 years ago - 2 generations. They had kids, their kids likely had kids, and the kids they originally came in with probably had kids that are having kids now.
None of that is counting the "11 million" that came in under Biden's open borders (and are having kids).
Note - I know only half (or less) of the first group are women so the number starts out lower, but if it is less than 70-80 million by now I'd be shocked.
We are the victims. They are the invaders who are sucking up all our resources, trashing my state, destroying healthcare, forever changing our culture, and end up voting for the same crap they left behind. Oh - I'm damn tired of having to press 1 for English on the phone or even at an ATM.
Only the babies and young kids they drug through the river are innocent victims. Everyone else knew exactly what they were doing, and most of them even funded the cartels with thousands of dollars each so they could do it.
It's crushing when you actually think about it.