posted ago by JackieDaytona74 ago by JackieDaytona74 +28 / -0

I posted this comment in another important thread (https://greatawakening.win/p/17tKx1ETrh/urgent-please-act-quickly-on-thi/c/) but felt compelled to call this out in an effort to educate people on the broader battle here.

The linked post is in regards to the new iPhone / Open AI integration, but a similar issue is going on with Adobe. And you're going to see this battle happening with nearly every piece of software you own & use. Here's my comment from that thread:


This is a very important issue, but I would encourage everyone to be on guard for this situation in a far broader fashion.

The root of issues like the one above is that the #1 area of technology development right now for every major software corp is of course, AI.

AI NEEDS TO BE TRAINED and for that, you need data. Real data. And that means as much of YOUR data as possible.

Now consider that these companies are in a race against one another to build the best AI for their particular niche in the marketplace. That competitive pressure leads to a lot of short cuts and "looking the other way" when it comes to privacy and consumer rights.

This same battle is going on with Adobe right now whose new terms & conditions allow them access to all of your art (and more).

This is one of the new battlefields and I would encourage people in the strongest possible manner to get up to speed on this issue and how to fight it. Doesn't matter if you're non-technical, we need your voice.

We've been warned about AI for years, but now the rubber is hitting the road. We're hitting one of the first battlefields with this privacy fight.