Thank you so much! I was coming here to ping you & see if you could offer any insight.
I am amazed at how much many of the oral traditions form many tribes in the Pacific Islands, South Americ & North America line up with biblical tradition. I have been saying for years that if we simply accept these oral traditions as accurate historical information, we could find the truth so much more easily about this world.
Again thank you for the link. I am excited to read through it.
This understanding is amazing & I pray that all people come together in an awakening of truth & understanding.
"The message is simple. The people should be of one heart, one mind, one people. Peace, love and harmony. It is time to educate the world," Hand said, raising up his cane to make the point
edit 2- LakotaPride, what does it mean to "circle the interior sunwise"? I assume walked around the interior, though wonder if this is a reference to clockwise, counter clockwise, or some other motion?
edit 3- Anpetu-Wi (or the great sun) it is mentioned dshe walked around 4 times. What is the symbolism here? 4 seasons, or was there some sacred thing that is part of tradition regarding four cycles around the sun? edit - Is the a reference to the four races/colors in so many native traditions that I have heard Sean Littlebear of the Cheyenne speak about?
edit 4- Is Wakan Tanka a name given to "the prophet" that each tribe named differently, or is this someone else? I have read about a prophet that walked the Americas & each tribe gave him a name of their own. Though it sounded like when leaders & medicine men got together, they agreed it was the same individual who had come to teach peace & to dwell with them for a time. I have limited information on this & got it from a book called "He Walked the Americas" edit- Looks like that is the name of the Great Spirit.
Thank you for sharing this with me. We also noticed the same when the bible was introduced to us and why we accepted the Bible. The way God wants us to live were the same values we carried. Treat all strangers with kindness and well being for all are just a few examples. The wisdom of Jesus was always respected and honored. By his miracles the people witnessed and the Thunders responding to Jesus in Revelations was further proof Jesus was the son of God and why he is referred to as the Holy of Holies . We already knew about the 7 Thunders and the one in the west being the oldest and biggest. They serve God. And the Bible confirmed we were correct that we honored tem but did not worship them. So we were doing this correctly.
My cousin had a store where he made moccasins and regalia and many Christian pastors stopped by and we spoke many times about our religions and how they lined up. I realized a difference in language caused some confusion and misunderstandings. Our word for religion is Good Medicine as it is good for the mind , body and spirit. Our word for prayer is Ceremony . And our word for Soul is Spirit. I prefer Spirit because when people read in the bible about praying in the Spirit they connect it. Meaning have your soul connect only with God when you pray and have the soul and heart pray. The mind is just the library information is stored from what God teaches us. The mind will corrupt the message with changing the message. Important we do not allow the change. Like the Bible do not add or subract a word from God. The same rules apply always.
The sun represents Gods truth and light. Each day God shows us how the light destroys the darkness. When we were born we came out of the darkness and into the light. important we stay in the light and not the darkness. Counter circle is looking into the past. Clockwise looking into now and the future as each second brings us into the future. Important we look back and keep all truths and remove what is shown as not being the truth. Looking into the future imporant we pay attention to what is truth or what is deception. The 4 times was to represent the 4 Cardinal directions as God teaches us different things in each direction. Important we remain centered in our Medicine Wheel and remain in balance as we walk our path through life. And if the wheel wobbles to try and quickly try to get back in balance. There are the 4 Cardinal directions, then there is above and below and center. We are center where all directions connect with us wherever we go. Our Medicine Wheel colors represets many things. The colors of mankind, the four directions East- yellow, South -red, West- black and North-white. Represents the four stages of our life. When we are born East, the passion of our youth South, middle age West and when we get old and our hair turns white North. Also represeents the four seasons. Yellow -Spring, Red- Summer, Black- Fall , White- Winter. It also shows God worked in te power of the Circle. He has no beginning and no end. The four seasons go around in a circle. The earth is a circle and spins in a circle and goes around the sun in a circle. The Medicine Wheel teaches so much it is a book by itself. The more you look into this the more you will learn.
Wankan Tanka (Great Spirit) is God our Creator and Creator of all life. Since he created all life we are connected to all life as we have the same Creator.
I read a article where the author claims we see the White Buffalo the same as the second coming of Christ. This is not true. We see it as a sacred sign and treat it as such. The Second coming of Christ is Gods son returning and holds higher value. Important this is corrected.
Thank you for this fantastic education. A little while back our denomination of Christianity changed from the boy scouts to a youth program that teaches children to learn to improve & follow Christ in 4 different ways. Socially, Physically, Spiritually & Emotionally.
I wonder if this has anything that lines up with that medicine wheel?
It amazes me how often I was taught in schools that during manifest destiny was removing those people who did not believe in Christ. The more I learn, the more it seems nothing could be further from the truth. There certainly seem to have been (possibly still are via MS13 type groups) that some that practiced human & child sacrifice. Though today I can't see Planned Parenthood as anything other than a child sacrifice center. I really wish Utah had the courage to throw that group out, instead they just said they wouldn't allow more of them into the state.
Have you happened to see some of the videos, or information regarding Jesus & God/Wankan Tanka being central to the Chinese language when it was created 5k years ago. It made it clear to myself that we are all much more closely tied together than governments of the world want us to believe.
2 hr + in depth lecture on how the Chinese language is based in the same truth Christianity is
At about the 5m30s part of this video, they describe how the 4 groups moved out of Babel. The way you described the medicine wheel colors seems to tie back to that division of languages & peoples. Am I reading too much into that?
All of the videos will offer up overlapping info. That said, they have helped many of my neighbors recognize that we are all far more closely interconnected that any of us may realize.
I will need to find the article from a neighbor that went to Russia (I believe in the late 90s early 2000s) & IIRC spoke with the 3rd highest ranking member of their orthodox church. That orthodox leader made it clear that the resurrected Christ had visited the people of Russia & set up their church with 12 leaders similar to how it was done in the Bible.
It amazes me how many Christians believe the Bible, but don't consider that Christ did visit "other flocks" as he said he would. If he was the Savior of the entire world, why wouldn't he visit all groups & tribes of the day? I firmly believe that if we would all just let go of our pride, & allow for oral traditions and possible unlearned truths between peoples of this earth (ie what a resurrected Son of God told each group while he ministered to them) to come together for serious study, we will find that this organized deception has been going on for thousands of years & we can all enjoy a full knowledge of what God really wanted every single one of us to know.
Seems there may have been greater truth on the tablets Moses broke & then came back with something else. I have no problem believing that other tribes/groups were willing to obey & keep certain knowledge that other groups were not.
I really like the concept of keeping yourself centered in that wheel in 3 axises as you described it. It makes me think of what we are taught about the Covenant Path in my church (or for those who make & keep covenants with God). Being centered on that wheel with a possible upward or downward trajectory (Z axis) just seems in line with what I already understand.
I think there could be an amazing podcast if one were to travel to many different cultures & discuss what is the same between religious beliefs & seek to find what the full picture really is. Maybe if I can finish getting into better shape over the next year I can start that. If another pede reads this and takes on the project, that would be amazing too.
Frank Fools Crow also made these connections and shared them sometime in the early 70s. He had met with Thomas Mails and discussed how our religion lined up with Christianity. In fact later Mails put out two books after Fools Crows passing. Fools Crow only authorized Thomas Mails to tell his story of his life and teachings.
A Army buddy of mine called me and told me he bought both books and read them . He had no knowledge of our teachings his insight was helpful. He informed he read the first book that came out first and then the second book. He further stated he is glad he read them in this order because he could follow the second book easier with understanding.
Yes the Medicine Wheel connects to all you have listed. I was reminded that one of our Lakota brothers did a three video series. Short videos and provide more insight for the listener. Here are the links.
Walking in balance means keeping a peaceful spirit about us instead of a bitter or angry one. Important we try to regain that peaceful spirit as quickly as we can. Jesus is a perfect example of that peaceful spirit. We fall way short but we do our best with Gods help. One also feels the benefits of keeping a peaceful spirit about us over a angry one also. We all are learning and hopefully growing spiritually with the wisdom God shares.
We sccepted the bible because what was shared in the bible we knew to be truths when it was first introduced. The moral values were the same as ours. And the Bible mentions the Thunders who serve God . Our word is Wankiyan Tanka Oyate. Tranlates into Thunder nation or people. The word Oyate is the same for people or nation. The Thunders told the prophet you do not worship them but only God. We knew this to be correct as our ancient prayer song refers to the Thunders as our friend. We honor them but do not worship them. The word Kola is used in the prayer song. The bible showed us we were doing it correctly.
The wisdom of Jesus and the healings and miracles the people witnessed showed us that Jesus was a real medicine man . And in the Bible when the Thunders responded to Jesus we knew Jesus was the son of God. Here is infoprmation we had prior to the bible . It all lines up. We really need to come together and put all the infrmation together.
Link below is a example of a Lakota prayer. Not a prayer song as they are different. This was a personal prayer.
Link below is the old Four Direction Thunder Nation prayer song with translation. It also shows we are related to all life God created to the mole in the earth to the eagle in the sky. As we all share the same Creator.
I have found a couple books. Fools Crow Wisdom & Power, though Amazon tells me the Fools Crow book is the same (one print title & one on kindle title).
I am thinking 'Fools Crow: Wisdom & Power' is the first book & that Secret Pathways is the 2nd that your friend was talking about.
Seems Mails also wrote, 'The Hopi Survival Kit...' which has many detailed Hopi Prophecies.
Maybe there is more, though this is what Amazon has available.
Thank you so much! I was coming here to ping you & see if you could offer any insight.
I am amazed at how much many of the oral traditions form many tribes in the Pacific Islands, South Americ & North America line up with biblical tradition. I have been saying for years that if we simply accept these oral traditions as accurate historical information, we could find the truth so much more easily about this world.
Again thank you for the link. I am excited to read through it.
edit- This understanding is amazing & I pray that all people come together in an awakening of truth & understanding.
edit 2- LakotaPride, what does it mean to "circle the interior sunwise"? I assume walked around the interior, though wonder if this is a reference to clockwise, counter clockwise, or some other motion?
edit 3- Anpetu-Wi (or the great sun) it is mentioned dshe walked around 4 times. What is the symbolism here? 4 seasons, or was there some sacred thing that is part of tradition regarding four cycles around the sun? edit - Is the a reference to the four races/colors in so many native traditions that I have heard Sean Littlebear of the Cheyenne speak about?
edit 4- Is Wakan Tanka a name given to "the prophet" that each tribe named differently, or is this someone else? I have read about a prophet that walked the Americas & each tribe gave him a name of their own. Though it sounded like when leaders & medicine men got together, they agreed it was the same individual who had come to teach peace & to dwell with them for a time. I have limited information on this & got it from a book called "He Walked the Americas" edit- Looks like that is the name of the Great Spirit.
Thank you for sharing this with me. We also noticed the same when the bible was introduced to us and why we accepted the Bible. The way God wants us to live were the same values we carried. Treat all strangers with kindness and well being for all are just a few examples. The wisdom of Jesus was always respected and honored. By his miracles the people witnessed and the Thunders responding to Jesus in Revelations was further proof Jesus was the son of God and why he is referred to as the Holy of Holies . We already knew about the 7 Thunders and the one in the west being the oldest and biggest. They serve God. And the Bible confirmed we were correct that we honored tem but did not worship them. So we were doing this correctly.
My cousin had a store where he made moccasins and regalia and many Christian pastors stopped by and we spoke many times about our religions and how they lined up. I realized a difference in language caused some confusion and misunderstandings. Our word for religion is Good Medicine as it is good for the mind , body and spirit. Our word for prayer is Ceremony . And our word for Soul is Spirit. I prefer Spirit because when people read in the bible about praying in the Spirit they connect it. Meaning have your soul connect only with God when you pray and have the soul and heart pray. The mind is just the library information is stored from what God teaches us. The mind will corrupt the message with changing the message. Important we do not allow the change. Like the Bible do not add or subract a word from God. The same rules apply always.
The sun represents Gods truth and light. Each day God shows us how the light destroys the darkness. When we were born we came out of the darkness and into the light. important we stay in the light and not the darkness. Counter circle is looking into the past. Clockwise looking into now and the future as each second brings us into the future. Important we look back and keep all truths and remove what is shown as not being the truth. Looking into the future imporant we pay attention to what is truth or what is deception. The 4 times was to represent the 4 Cardinal directions as God teaches us different things in each direction. Important we remain centered in our Medicine Wheel and remain in balance as we walk our path through life. And if the wheel wobbles to try and quickly try to get back in balance. There are the 4 Cardinal directions, then there is above and below and center. We are center where all directions connect with us wherever we go. Our Medicine Wheel colors represets many things. The colors of mankind, the four directions East- yellow, South -red, West- black and North-white. Represents the four stages of our life. When we are born East, the passion of our youth South, middle age West and when we get old and our hair turns white North. Also represeents the four seasons. Yellow -Spring, Red- Summer, Black- Fall , White- Winter. It also shows God worked in te power of the Circle. He has no beginning and no end. The four seasons go around in a circle. The earth is a circle and spins in a circle and goes around the sun in a circle. The Medicine Wheel teaches so much it is a book by itself. The more you look into this the more you will learn.
Wankan Tanka (Great Spirit) is God our Creator and Creator of all life. Since he created all life we are connected to all life as we have the same Creator.
I read a article where the author claims we see the White Buffalo the same as the second coming of Christ. This is not true. We see it as a sacred sign and treat it as such. The Second coming of Christ is Gods son returning and holds higher value. Important this is corrected.
Thank you for this fantastic education. A little while back our denomination of Christianity changed from the boy scouts to a youth program that teaches children to learn to improve & follow Christ in 4 different ways. Socially, Physically, Spiritually & Emotionally.
I wonder if this has anything that lines up with that medicine wheel?
It amazes me how often I was taught in schools that during manifest destiny was removing those people who did not believe in Christ. The more I learn, the more it seems nothing could be further from the truth. There certainly seem to have been (possibly still are via MS13 type groups) that some that practiced human & child sacrifice. Though today I can't see Planned Parenthood as anything other than a child sacrifice center. I really wish Utah had the courage to throw that group out, instead they just said they wouldn't allow more of them into the state.
Have you happened to see some of the videos, or information regarding Jesus & God/Wankan Tanka being central to the Chinese language when it was created 5k years ago. It made it clear to myself that we are all much more closely tied together than governments of the world want us to believe.
All of the videos will offer up overlapping info. That said, they have helped many of my neighbors recognize that we are all far more closely interconnected that any of us may realize.
I will need to find the article from a neighbor that went to Russia (I believe in the late 90s early 2000s) & IIRC spoke with the 3rd highest ranking member of their orthodox church. That orthodox leader made it clear that the resurrected Christ had visited the people of Russia & set up their church with 12 leaders similar to how it was done in the Bible.
It amazes me how many Christians believe the Bible, but don't consider that Christ did visit "other flocks" as he said he would. If he was the Savior of the entire world, why wouldn't he visit all groups & tribes of the day? I firmly believe that if we would all just let go of our pride, & allow for oral traditions and possible unlearned truths between peoples of this earth (ie what a resurrected Son of God told each group while he ministered to them) to come together for serious study, we will find that this organized deception has been going on for thousands of years & we can all enjoy a full knowledge of what God really wanted every single one of us to know.
Seems there may have been greater truth on the tablets Moses broke & then came back with something else. I have no problem believing that other tribes/groups were willing to obey & keep certain knowledge that other groups were not.
I really like the concept of keeping yourself centered in that wheel in 3 axises as you described it. It makes me think of what we are taught about the Covenant Path in my church (or for those who make & keep covenants with God). Being centered on that wheel with a possible upward or downward trajectory (Z axis) just seems in line with what I already understand.
I think there could be an amazing podcast if one were to travel to many different cultures & discuss what is the same between religious beliefs & seek to find what the full picture really is. Maybe if I can finish getting into better shape over the next year I can start that. If another pede reads this and takes on the project, that would be amazing too.
Frank Fools Crow also made these connections and shared them sometime in the early 70s. He had met with Thomas Mails and discussed how our religion lined up with Christianity. In fact later Mails put out two books after Fools Crows passing. Fools Crow only authorized Thomas Mails to tell his story of his life and teachings.
A Army buddy of mine called me and told me he bought both books and read them . He had no knowledge of our teachings his insight was helpful. He informed he read the first book that came out first and then the second book. He further stated he is glad he read them in this order because he could follow the second book easier with understanding.
Yes the Medicine Wheel connects to all you have listed. I was reminded that one of our Lakota brothers did a three video series. Short videos and provide more insight for the listener. Here are the links.
The Medicine Wheel Part 1
The Medicine Wheel part 2
The Medicine Wheel part 3
Walking in balance means keeping a peaceful spirit about us instead of a bitter or angry one. Important we try to regain that peaceful spirit as quickly as we can. Jesus is a perfect example of that peaceful spirit. We fall way short but we do our best with Gods help. One also feels the benefits of keeping a peaceful spirit about us over a angry one also. We all are learning and hopefully growing spiritually with the wisdom God shares.
We sccepted the bible because what was shared in the bible we knew to be truths when it was first introduced. The moral values were the same as ours. And the Bible mentions the Thunders who serve God . Our word is Wankiyan Tanka Oyate. Tranlates into Thunder nation or people. The word Oyate is the same for people or nation. The Thunders told the prophet you do not worship them but only God. We knew this to be correct as our ancient prayer song refers to the Thunders as our friend. We honor them but do not worship them. The word Kola is used in the prayer song. The bible showed us we were doing it correctly.
The wisdom of Jesus and the healings and miracles the people witnessed showed us that Jesus was a real medicine man . And in the Bible when the Thunders responded to Jesus we knew Jesus was the son of God. Here is infoprmation we had prior to the bible . It all lines up. We really need to come together and put all the infrmation together.
Link below is a example of a Lakota prayer. Not a prayer song as they are different. This was a personal prayer.
Link below is the old Four Direction Thunder Nation prayer song with translation. It also shows we are related to all life God created to the mole in the earth to the eagle in the sky. As we all share the same Creator.
I have found a couple books. Fools Crow Wisdom & Power, though Amazon tells me the Fools Crow book is the same (one print title & one on kindle title).
I am thinking 'Fools Crow: Wisdom & Power' is the first book & that Secret Pathways is the 2nd that your friend was talking about.
Seems Mails also wrote, 'The Hopi Survival Kit...' which has many detailed Hopi Prophecies.
Maybe there is more, though this is what Amazon has available.