Trump declassified Salvatore Pais' patents in 2017, Salvatore Pais currently works for the US Space Force. Check out this podcast with Salvatore Pais, where they discuss High frequency gravitational wave generators, inertial mass reduction device and a High Temperature Superconductor
Future Proves Past Technology
Create high gravity waves in the direction you wanna go and away ya go
Not really...The gravitational wave generator is more suited to being a weapon, and the inertial mass reduction device is much more suited to being a "propulsion" source (I put propulsion in quotation marks because technically you aren't propelling yourself...you are sucking yourself in a direction....it's weird lol.)
It's more about creating a gradient around your craft, so that the spacetime behind you is at a lower potential than your localized spacetime is, and the spacetime in front of you (in the direction you want to go) is at a higher potential. You're creating gravitational "suction", if you will, in the direction you want to go.
It's actually very, very similar in concept to the Alcubierre drive. Alcubierre basically just said "Yo, if you could shape spacetime like this then you could go really fast!" whereas Pais is saying "Dude, this is how you shape spacetime!"
Thanks There Fren The takeaway here is to understand these very exotic technologies appear to exist and we’ve been deceived.
As someone who has seen a "UFO" first hand, they definitely do exist... I also don't think that extraterrestrials have ever had anything to do with it. The people screaming about the "Galactic Federation" are just spreading CIA disinfo, whether they realize it or not...
When my Dad (a retired Army Colonel) and I both saw the device, I commented on the fact that it apparently didn't have "wingtip lights".... Less than one second later, it turned on its wingtip lights... Said wingtip lights followed FAA regulations, in color, luminosity, and size... Do with that information what you will.....
Viktor Schauberger has entered the room.
I'm actually not familiar with this name, and Wikipedia (of course) teaches me precisely nothing about him other than that he was a licensed forester.
Could you share more?!?
Sure. Here is a documentary about him.
A PDF. https://bluestarenterprise.com/articles/viktor-schauberger/vitor-schauberger-implosion-the-path-of-natural-energy.pdf
Some woo. http://www.illuminati-news.com/0/Article00396UFOsOfGermany.htm
Or a vacuum, similar to how flight is possible currently.
Reading the patent it seems it can create superconductors I don't see propulsion use at the moment.
There are several patents... You must be looking at the one that is specifically for high temperature superconductors.
Check out the one for a Craft Using an Inertial Mass Reduction Device if you wanna see the reaaaalllllly juicy stuff...
His patents are fun, though, because they each build on each other, leading to the inertial mass reduction device. You can't create the HEEMFG (High Energy Electromagnetic Field Generator) without the use of high temperature superconductors; you can't create a gravitational wave generator or inertial mass reduction device without the use of a HEEMFG, etc...
This all very, very much so feels like the military creatively making some tech they've been developing for decades public. If you realize that we have been developing UFOs in secret since the late 1940's and work backwards from that realization, then Pais is just publicly introducing the math and concepts behind the devices we've had for more than half a century. Honestly, I don't even think the dudes real name is Salvatore Pais. Let's be real...the dude that brings the physics behind our UFOs to the public has a name that translates to Savior King Country (Salvatore Cezar Pais)?!?!? No. Not just no, but fuck no... That's the Wizards and Warlocks showing us their sense of humor. I don't know who exactly the man giving these interviews is, but I guarantee you he is a front--a façade. The real science and engineering behind this happened in the 1940s/50s, and now they have created a character to bring the knowledge into the world....and they named him Savior of the Country because why the hell wouldn't you name this character that?!?!?
I can quite believe that.
A list of these devices and others for you. https://web.archive.org/web/20220429004028/http://www.cheniere.org/misc/oulist.htm
Awesome thanks for the info. I will spend more time looking at this rabbit hole