posted ago by VaccinesCauseSIDS ago by VaccinesCauseSIDS +130 / -0

So as evil as Dr Anthony Fauci is…

The thing that really has people upset is the abuse inflicted on beagle dogs.

But people can empathize with dogs better than with people.

People know dogs are good hearted, and loyal, and loving, etc

and yet dogs are dependent on people, and vulnerable to abuse.

So what Fauci did, was fund “research” where they abused these beagles in horrendous ways.

I want to get my facts straight, about the animal abuse, so bear with me as i fetch more info…

You: Give me a 5 paragraph summary of the alleged abuse of beagle dogs funded by Dr Anthony Fauci

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The controversy surrounding the alleged abuse of beagle dogs in research funded by Dr. Anthony Fauci revolves around reports that surfaced in 2021. These reports claimed that the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), under Fauci's leadership, had funded research projects involving inhumane treatment of beagle puppies. The allegations included claims that these dogs were subjected to cruel experiments, such as being infested with parasites and enduring surgeries without proper anesthesia.

The controversy was fueled by documents obtained through Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests, which indicated that NIAID had spent significant funds on these experiments. Critics argued that the research was unnecessary and excessively cruel, particularly pointing to reports that dogs' vocal cords were cut to prevent them from barking during the experiments. This sparked widespread outrage from animal rights activists, members of Congress, and the public, who demanded accountability and transparency regarding the use of taxpayer dollars for such research.

In response to the allegations, the NIAID defended the research by stating that the studies were crucial for developing treatments for diseases that affect both humans and animals. They maintained that all research was conducted in compliance with ethical guidelines and federal regulations designed to ensure animal welfare. Despite these assurances, the backlash persisted, with calls for an investigation into the practices and oversight of animal testing in federally funded research.

This issue also became a focal point for broader discussions about the ethics of animal testing in scientific research. Critics of animal testing argue that such practices are often inhumane and advocate for the use of alternative methods that do not involve animals. The controversy over the beagle experiments highlighted the ongoing debate about the balance between scientific advancement and ethical considerations in research practices.

Overall, the alleged abuse of beagle dogs in research funded by Dr. Fauci's institute has underscored the need for greater scrutiny and transparency in the conduct of animal testing. It has also sparked important conversations about the ethical implications of using animals in scientific studies and the necessity of finding more humane alternatives. The incident remains a significant point of contention and a catalyst for ongoing discussions about reforming animal research policies.

You: Give me more graphic details about the experiments these beagles were subject to. What kinds of parasites? What about cutting vocal cords so dogs wouldnt bark

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The controversy surrounding the beagle experiments funded by the NIAID, under Dr. Anthony Fauci's leadership, includes several graphic and distressing details. According to reports, these experiments involved the use of beagle puppies in research designed to test the efficacy of drugs against parasites.

One of the most shocking aspects of these experiments was the alleged infestation of the beagles with sand flies, which are known to carry diseases like leishmaniasis. The dogs were reportedly locked in mesh cages or had their heads enclosed in cages filled with infected sand flies, which would bite them, allowing the parasites to infect the dogs. This procedure was intended to study the effectiveness of potential treatments for these parasitic infections. The graphic nature of this method raised significant ethical concerns about the suffering inflicted on the animals.

Additionally, it was alleged that some of these beagle puppies underwent a procedure known as "cordectomy," in which their vocal cords were surgically removed or damaged to prevent them from barking. This practice, often referred to as "debarking," is highly controversial and is seen by many as a cruel method to silence the animals, thereby reducing the noise in the laboratory environment. Critics argued that this procedure inflicted unnecessary pain and distress on the dogs, compounding the ethical issues surrounding the research.

The reports also indicated that these beagles were subjected to prolonged periods of confinement and exposure to these parasites without adequate pain relief or anesthesia, further contributing to their suffering. The combination of invasive procedures, exposure to infectious diseases, and the inability to vocalize distress painted a grim picture of the conditions these animals endured.

These graphic details fueled the public outcry and calls for accountability, with animal rights organizations and lawmakers demanding a thorough investigation into the research practices and the ethical standards of the involved institutions. The controversy has highlighted the need for stricter regulations and oversight in animal research to prevent such inhumane treatment in the future.


