38 Why is the left pushing "democracy" over republic so hard? I need a history/civics lesson, please and thanks. (www.thegatewaypundit.com) posted 271 days ago by Dumbpassword 271 days ago by Dumbpassword +38 / -0 Newest Insanity From CNN - It's a Conspiracy Theory to Say That America is a Republic and Not a Democracy (VIDEO) | The Gateway ... The United States of America is a constitutional republic, but don’t say that to anyone at CNN or they might label you a conspiracy theorist. 37 comments share 37 comments share save hide report block hide replies
A democracy is 51% oppressing 49 %.
A constitutional republic protects the minority and is very hard to change,if we elect good honest people.
Thank you
Do you know what the difference is between liberty and freedom?
The founders always talked about liberty not freedom for a reason.
Thank you. Good point.
Spend some time with Google, they explane the difference themselves. They were not fans of democracy or freedom.