I've always had a side that leaned toward procrastination, but never to the point that I seem physically, mentally unable to take care of business.
For example, I still have a number of task not started, or unfinished that I need to complete to protect my property, family wellbeing, in the event of civil unrest.
I have done somethings, but I am very frustrated that I am having such difficulty getting key important task completed. "You fucking had the chance and failed them", is how I will feel if I don't complete these things.
I am hesitant to blame what might be pure sorry ass laziness on some outside force, but damn it man, I swear I seem to be under the influence of some bad mojo, and was just wondering if I was alone in this.
I never know a time when my mom was fearful, of discontented, or anxious for that which she did not have, or jealous because of what someone else had. I never saw a time when her faith was shaken by circumstances, or events. And how our faith holds up under the worst of time, for all to see, has a big impact others.
Just out of high school, I had a head-on collision. My parents were about an hour from the hospital when they got the news. When they arrived at the hospital, I was laying on a bed, bloody and shaking in shock. I was not expected to live.
This was recounted to me by many, that as other friends and relatives gathered in the waiting room area, how they were amazed that my mother was so calm, unworried, not falling apart that her youngest son was critically injured and might not live. How could she be so at piece during this terrible time that would ask. She would reply, I've put it in God's hands, and everything is going to be okay.
Having heard this from other, when I was able, I ask my mom about it.
She told me that when they got the news of my accident, on the way to the hospital, she was coming apart, going out of her mind with worry, a sense of anguish overwhelmed her. Then she said, I turned it over to the Lord, I said, God, I can't handle this, I am putting it in your hands. Your will be done. And she told me that instantly a piece beyond understanding came over her, and she knew beyond any doubt, that I would be okay.
It's easy to appear faithful when the load is light. My moms faith held true under the heaviest of loads. And these times might just be a time when we get to demonstrate to the world how weak, or how strong out faith is, under a heavy load, when it counts.
My entire life has been a miracle. I have no doubt that the God that loves me, and has given me more than I deserved in life, will watch over me until death where I will see Jesus face to face. What an awesome time that will be.
WOW 😳 that's some beautiful stuff right there fren. Thanks for sharing. What an awesome role model to have for faith.
What an awesome day it will be indeed.
If I could provide a thought to maybe challenge you. Rather then say you have no doubt. Maybe ask where the doubt lies within you. Sanctification is a life long process. We won't be fully in Christ until that awesome day we come face to face. Until then God is slowly working in us. In the dark corners of our soul. Shining light on it so we may lean on him as he shows us how to grow. Often times these things are hidden so well, that only God can shine a light on it. That weakness is where he is made strong in us. So maybe all of the experience you described is simply God wanting to weaken you so you can grow in the need for him. It's not a bad thing unless we don't seek To grow from it. Then it will bring us down..
Truly though I can only share different experiences I have had and what the Lord has shown me. Truly this is between you and God, as im sure you know :) much of what I'm saying is simply meant to affirm what I know you already kbow. ❤️😊🫂
Thanks for sharing that awesome testimony though. It's always awesome hearing about true faith and it's power to turn even the worst things into a moment to grow closer to God in soul+mind+body
Hallelujah love you fren.