Tito was one of the few in the neighborhood the Soviet Union respected for his brutality and he was allowed to hold his cobbled together "country" un molested until he died in 1980. After that the natural divisions showed themselves until the country spun apart. Although it may have helped along in the 11 years after his death.
I suppose it was an ancient hurt that was papered over, by the cobbling together of disparate regions to make a 'nation', just as Ukraine was. those multi-cultural patchworks were meant to propmote peace, but some used it as a vector for perpetual discontent.
The Soviets divided land thus, but so did the Anglosphere, the French, the Germans and the Belgians - it was a sign of the times, post WW1. Observe what was done in the Middle East and Africa, where whole tribes were divided and nation borders (straight) were decided by someone with a pencil and a map, in Europe.
Not a divide land ,rather the front lines of a long term ongoing war , after the failure at the Gates of Vienna in 1683 by the Ottoman Empire. The Armenian Genocide is how the other side handles these sorts of issues.
I should have not used the word divide. It was more of a recombinant move. Some enclaves of humanity were deemed too small to be a nation, so were chucked together with other little entities - to make a patchwork nation.
I understand this, because Friesland natives speak a different language (now bi-lingual) than Dutch. The slow dying out of the Ancient Dutch'Celtic ;anguage, has hundreds of years of history. But it is only one province out of twelve - so they must learn 'high' Dutch n schools. There is always this struggle between self-determination and centralization. Europe is perceived to be impossible to run if it devolved to postage stamp fiefdoms.
To be sure, Northern Dutch people make fun of those from Brabant and Limburg (South), because they speak funny. And come to think of it, people from Amsterdam are their own kind of special.
What also comes to mind is: Putin's example in Tucker's interview, of travelling to deepest Western Ukraine and seeing Hungarian-dressed old men sitting on benches. He remarked at the time that these people were not Russian. He also mentioned that Hungary was welcome to claim that bit (over a mountain range and there is Hungary), back. You see, the border was established militarily, with mountains as a defendable border. But the Hungarian people lived all around that mountain range.
Tito was one of the few in the neighborhood the Soviet Union respected for his brutality and he was allowed to hold his cobbled together "country" un molested until he died in 1980. After that the natural divisions showed themselves until the country spun apart. Although it may have helped along in the 11 years after his death.
I suppose it was an ancient hurt that was papered over, by the cobbling together of disparate regions to make a 'nation', just as Ukraine was. those multi-cultural patchworks were meant to propmote peace, but some used it as a vector for perpetual discontent.
The Soviets divided land thus, but so did the Anglosphere, the French, the Germans and the Belgians - it was a sign of the times, post WW1. Observe what was done in the Middle East and Africa, where whole tribes were divided and nation borders (straight) were decided by someone with a pencil and a map, in Europe.
Not a divide land ,rather the front lines of a long term ongoing war , after the failure at the Gates of Vienna in 1683 by the Ottoman Empire. The Armenian Genocide is how the other side handles these sorts of issues.
I should have not used the word divide. It was more of a recombinant move. Some enclaves of humanity were deemed too small to be a nation, so were chucked together with other little entities - to make a patchwork nation.
I understand this, because Friesland natives speak a different language (now bi-lingual) than Dutch. The slow dying out of the Ancient Dutch'Celtic ;anguage, has hundreds of years of history. But it is only one province out of twelve - so they must learn 'high' Dutch n schools. There is always this struggle between self-determination and centralization. Europe is perceived to be impossible to run if it devolved to postage stamp fiefdoms.
To be sure, Northern Dutch people make fun of those from Brabant and Limburg (South), because they speak funny. And come to think of it, people from Amsterdam are their own kind of special.
What also comes to mind is: Putin's example in Tucker's interview, of travelling to deepest Western Ukraine and seeing Hungarian-dressed old men sitting on benches. He remarked at the time that these people were not Russian. He also mentioned that Hungary was welcome to claim that bit (over a mountain range and there is Hungary), back. You see, the border was established militarily, with mountains as a defendable border. But the Hungarian people lived all around that mountain range.
Interesting , but not shocking.