Will the face to face debate even happen? I think the odds are in favor of NO. They might give the story of "Biden" got the covids and is still willing to debate the evil orange man, but he will do it remotely not to risk getting others sick. At that point, Trump will drop out, knowing it will all be AI gay and fake. Now, IF it happens face to face, "Biden" will be wearing a wire 100%. BUT... How funny would it be if the good guys know that and jam that signal or just play the National Anthem on repeat in his ear? Wow, that would be great. Either way, there is a 100% chance of fuckery on the dems side for this debate.
Will the face to face debate even happen? I think the odds are in favor of NO. They might give the story of "Biden" got the covids and is still willing to debate the evil orange man, but he will do it remotely not to risk getting others sick. At that point, Trump will drop out, knowing it will all be AI gay and fake. Now, IF it happens face to face, "Biden" will be wearing a wire 100%. BUT... How funny would it be if the good guys know that and jam that signal or just play the National Anthem on repeat in his ear? Wow, that would be great. Either way, there is a 100% chance of fuckery on the dems side for this debate.
100% my fren, you got that right!