There is a well, well known clip of a reporter in the 80s talking to a supervisor, or something, at the loading docks in L.A and they found a container stacked to the rafters with dead babies.
Here you go, some of the testimony from the workers is quite horrifying:
Horrific. So many people go through their daily lives and routines without ever realizing or contemplating the immense suffering and brutality happening across this world every minute of every day. Q said that those who know can't sleep at night, but there are some of us who do know and don't know what to do to help. It causes heartache and depression and loss of faith in God. This is truly a prison planet, and I do believe that there are powerful entities feeding from our pain, misery, and sadness. I continue to pray for their time to end.
Well lol.. I'll be 49 on debate day and I've been full awake for most of my life. Asked a few questions in Sunday school, got in a lot of trouble, and was then approached by one of my older cousins and one of his friends ; the rest, they say is history.
I've mentioned a lot of this before ( on here ) but, I've known about stuff like Blue Beam, frequency weapons, and the N.W. O since high school. I've known for most of my life, the plan was world communism / slavery ; I just never thought it was going to happen in my lifetime.
As for the username : I'm not going full into it, people say bullshit, I don't care, I know what I ( and 2 friends ) saw and it was a little over 3 minutes of the actual " my username" video. It's real.
The original "Best Gore" website had still images pulled from the DW and it was exactly what we saw. Owner said it would leave the thread up for one day and then take it down. Not long after that, Best Gore was gone.
Sorry for the novel, I'm long winded sometimes lol
The user name is basically just for letting folks know I'm fully awake and on the right side of things. I also use this as my gamer tag, and I do randomly get asked in game - some people have heard the word so they're curious - and I gladly red pill them.
You wouldn't use this username for any reason other than letting people know that " you know". So, that's my angle lol.
I'm also not scared of shit - no man, no government, no police agency, so I have zero bones creating controversy if needed. I'm the type that will NEVER not say what needs to be said, I will NEVER not stand up for what needs to be stood up for. Zero fear, I will absolutely go down swinging full tilt with everything I have if it comes to it.
I'm not trying to come off as a tough guy, but as you read, I've been fully awake for a long time just waiting for them to do what they're going to do, which means I've had lots of time to prepare my home, my body and my defenses for just in case it does happen
There is a well, well known clip of a reporter in the 80s talking to a supervisor, or something, at the loading docks in L.A and they found a container stacked to the rafters with dead babies.
Here you go, some of the testimony from the workers is quite horrifying:;_ylt=AwrjaWx1RXBmgjYUd7_rFAx.;_ylu=Y29sbwNncTEEcG9zAzEEdnRpZAMEc2VjA3BpdnM-?p=reporter+L.A.+80s+babies+in+shipping+container&fr2=piv-web&type=E211CA1273G0&fr=mcafee#id=1&vid=59fcb86a3032cce65fd9543e8846db6b&action=view
Horrific. So many people go through their daily lives and routines without ever realizing or contemplating the immense suffering and brutality happening across this world every minute of every day. Q said that those who know can't sleep at night, but there are some of us who do know and don't know what to do to help. It causes heartache and depression and loss of faith in God. This is truly a prison planet, and I do believe that there are powerful entities feeding from our pain, misery, and sadness. I continue to pray for their time to end.
Bro, how do you sleep at night with that username?
Well lol.. I'll be 49 on debate day and I've been full awake for most of my life. Asked a few questions in Sunday school, got in a lot of trouble, and was then approached by one of my older cousins and one of his friends ; the rest, they say is history.
I've mentioned a lot of this before ( on here ) but, I've known about stuff like Blue Beam, frequency weapons, and the N.W. O since high school. I've known for most of my life, the plan was world communism / slavery ; I just never thought it was going to happen in my lifetime.
As for the username : I'm not going full into it, people say bullshit, I don't care, I know what I ( and 2 friends ) saw and it was a little over 3 minutes of the actual " my username" video. It's real.
The original "Best Gore" website had still images pulled from the DW and it was exactly what we saw. Owner said it would leave the thread up for one day and then take it down. Not long after that, Best Gore was gone.
Sorry for the novel, I'm long winded sometimes lol
And yet you're still cool with calling yourself that?!
The user name is basically just for letting folks know I'm fully awake and on the right side of things. I also use this as my gamer tag, and I do randomly get asked in game - some people have heard the word so they're curious - and I gladly red pill them.
You wouldn't use this username for any reason other than letting people know that " you know". So, that's my angle lol.
I'm also not scared of shit - no man, no government, no police agency, so I have zero bones creating controversy if needed. I'm the type that will NEVER not say what needs to be said, I will NEVER not stand up for what needs to be stood up for. Zero fear, I will absolutely go down swinging full tilt with everything I have if it comes to it.
I'm not trying to come off as a tough guy, but as you read, I've been fully awake for a long time just waiting for them to do what they're going to do, which means I've had lots of time to prepare my home, my body and my defenses for just in case it does happen