That building isn't Federal property. It is all privately owned, just like the 12 other FedRes buildings in the U.S.. 1912 saw the loss of 3 hard core opponents of a centralized banking system with the Titanic and within 20 months time down at Jeckyl Island, GA evil minions were laboring new legislation and directives which saw 1913 as a very dark year for our country. Jeckyl clowns gave us the 16th Amendment (IRS) forced upon us and next to the current screwball at 1600 Penn Ave, the WORST POTUS (Woodrow Wilson) quietly enacted their jeweled crown the Federal Reserve Act of December 1913 while Congress was in Xmas recess. It has been argued that the 16th Amendment wasn't fully ratified by the existing states 2/3s rule then as required by Constitutional law. The evil empire of economic debt slavery has been crushing the world since then.
But! It is also exhilarating to see young people like this young man start noting and exposing the truth. We need more like him o do the right thing!! God's speed to them! NCSWIC. The DS knows it and they are panicked!
That building isn't Federal property. It is all privately owned, just like the 12 other FedRes buildings in the U.S.. 1912 saw the loss of 3 hard core opponents of a centralized banking system with the Titanic and within 20 months time down at Jeckyl Island, GA evil minions were laboring new legislation and directives which saw 1913 as a very dark year for our country. Jeckyl clowns gave us the 16th Amendment (IRS) forced upon us and next to the current screwball at 1600 Penn Ave, the WORST POTUS (Woodrow Wilson) quietly enacted their jeweled crown the Federal Reserve Act of December 1913 while Congress was in Xmas recess. It has been argued that the 16th Amendment wasn't fully ratified by the existing states 2/3s rule then as required by Constitutional law. The evil empire of economic debt slavery has been crushing the world since then.
But! It is also exhilarating to see young people like this young man start noting and exposing the truth. We need more like him o do the right thing!! God's speed to them! NCSWIC. The DS knows it and they are panicked!