You believe the history you have been taught. I no longer do. Every eye did see Him and it's recorded in building domes and art work all over the world.
I believe what the Bible says and not the artwork of the Roman Catholic Church. What you believe is amillennialism which was first conceived by Augustine in the 4th century AD. He taught that Jesus is ruling in our hearts and the Book of Revelation is all allegory. When Jesus returns to the earth the second time, it will be like lightening coming out of the east and every eye shall see Him. THAT is what Jesus said and what the Bible teaches.
You believe the history you have been taught. I no longer do. Every eye did see Him and it's recorded in building domes and art work all over the world.
I believe what the Bible says and not the artwork of the Roman Catholic Church. What you believe is amillennialism which was first conceived by Augustine in the 4th century AD. He taught that Jesus is ruling in our hearts and the Book of Revelation is all allegory. When Jesus returns to the earth the second time, it will be like lightening coming out of the east and every eye shall see Him. THAT is what Jesus said and what the Bible teaches.