I'm Like Speechless': CNN's Harry Enten Says Trump 'Careening Towards A Historic Performance' With Black Voters !!!!
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Did you see the numbers CNN was reporting? 79% support for Biden. That's absolutely absurd levels of support for him.
70% down from 86% in the "you ain't black if you dont vote for me" community.
We can see this phenomenon if you are following social media - they call it BLEXIT. You can see this in most Trump rallies these days as well. Its only picking momentum.
A couple years ago they couldn't even dream of this ever happening.
71% support screams of an utterly disconnected from reality group of people who aren't just asleep, they're living in a delusional world barely one step better than cultists. Is 71% better than 86%? Sure, just like a 9mm gunshot is better than a .357 magnum one, but it's nowhere near a good result.
Its not the end result we are looking at. Its the momentum.