I've had a good think about this because my mother-in-law's friend died quickly of CJD recently, she would have been vaxxed for sure. There is dementia in her family.
I think that dementia is multi causal and that people have differing ability to clear amyloid plaques from their brains.
Everyone has some prions in their brain just like everybody has tiny cancers, but most people clear these away and there is an equilibrium where the damage is sub clinical.
It is my idea that some people are more prone to dementia as they have a poorer immune system in the brain to counter it, and it is these people who get dementia after the vax, which is known to encourage misfolding and is nown to cross the blood brain barrier.
In short, it's propensity to the condition added to insult from the vax.
You can think of all vax diseases this way, which is why some people are O k afterwards and others die early from a variety of diseases. They are more prone to those conditions and the vax provokes them.
I've had a good think about this because my mother-in-law's friend died quickly of CJD recently, she would have been vaxxed for sure. There is dementia in her family.
I think that dementia is multi causal and that people have differing ability to clear amyloid plaques from their brains.
Everyone has some prions in their brain just like everybody has tiny cancers, but most people clear these away and there is an equilibrium where the damage is sub clinical.
It is my idea that some people are more prone to dementia as they have a poorer immune system in the brain to counter it, and it is these people who get dementia after the vax, which is known to encourage misfolding and is nown to cross the blood brain barrier.
In short, it's propensity to the condition added to insult from the vax.
You can think of all vax diseases this way, which is why some people are O k afterwards and others die early from a variety of diseases. They are more prone to those conditions and the vax provokes them.