The part that’s most important to me personally is where I spoke about not leaving a group behind.
I’ve been thinking about what NVidia
is, has and will accomplish and that led me back to my fascination with Ray Kurzweil years back. I think a picture is being painted that the singularity has happened, it’s been contained and now we get to find out about it and decide how to move forward.
to me it looks like we have moved into the era where AI begins to rapidly replace humans in the workforce. When that happens there will need to be well thought out financial support for displaced workers. The segment of the population that will be most effected out the gate will be the under 35 due to the type jobs that segment tends to be employed with.
Do you think the “plan” has factored that in and has targeted a healthy percentage of that population to benefit from the GME/AMC situation?
I don’t think the GME situation would be singular in its outcome, in that it was just put in place for this reason. But it’s possible that white hats wanted to mitigate hurting this segment with the release of AI and partially used GME to help with this problem.
*This is more of a thought exercise than anything else but it would great to hear your thoughts on this!
The part that’s most important to me personally is where I spoke about not leaving a group behind.
I’ve been thinking about what NVidia is, has and will accomplish and that led me back to my fascination with Ray Kurzweil years back. I think a picture is being painted that the singularity has happened, it’s been contained and now we get to find out about it and decide how to move forward.
to me it looks like we have moved into the era where AI begins to rapidly replace humans in the workforce. When that happens there will need to be well thought out financial support for displaced workers. The segment of the population that will be most effected out the gate will be the under 35 due to the type jobs that segment tends to be employed with. Do you think the “plan” has factored that in and has targeted a healthy percentage of that population to benefit from the GME/AMC situation?
I don’t think the GME situation would be singular in its outcome, in that it was just put in place for this reason. But it’s possible that white hats wanted to mitigate hurting this segment with the release of AI and partially used GME to help with this problem.
*This is more of a thought exercise than anything else but it would great to hear your thoughts on this!