America's Super-Elite Disconnect: The first-ever survey research defining the characteristics and beliefs of an Elite 1% who are the root cause of political dysfunction in America today.
Proof Cabal Peeps Are Stupid! 🥴
They are fine with their candidate cheating because the end justifies the means.
The overarching philosophy is "Do what thou wilt". The pipeline puppets may not even realize it at first but they are the tools of satanism bought with promises of entitlement. They are the grist to elevate those truly in charge, the 1% of the 1%, into gods. But they too are merely puppets, useful tools to be discarded when their usefulness comes to an end, and, in fact, so are the principles above them.
These pipelines to delusion are being run on the same models and principals as the secret socieities. It is narcissism run amok.