It's not an either/or matter. It's not "believe it all" vs "it's all fake". That's an extremist view.
It looks like you've been triggered a bit by the word "truther".
All of that aside, there is an alarming lack of discernment here, considering that we pride ourselves on being an "elite research forum". I've noticed for a large chunk of the responses here, they readily believe pretty much anything posted (as long as it confirms beliefs they already have).
Not only that, but they seem to have some very emotional reactions to them, replying that they wished God would end the world because it's so horrible, to wanting to torture and kill a fellow human being. And this is usually just from them reading the headline of whatever is linked. It's rare that anyone bothers to read the article attached. And it's even more rare for anyone to do some fact checking on it.
Perhaps u/w4terfall could have left out terms that tend to trigger people like "truther" and "boomer", but the basis of their post is right on target.
It wouldn't hurt anyone for us to try to elevate our posts/responses a bit. Maybe live up to our title of being an elite research board...
More like its a believe them, until they're caught in a lie - and then don't believe them while they maintain said lie.
Not triggered - just pointing out how those personalities that swallowed the covid lies, were more than ready to swallow the same gov. lies back then, and given an additional 25 years of history.
It is as if seeing someone with a covid facemask on in the year 2046 looking still thinking that it was still real.
Right? You betcha its right!
It's not an either/or matter. It's not "believe it all" vs "it's all fake". That's an extremist view.
It looks like you've been triggered a bit by the word "truther".
All of that aside, there is an alarming lack of discernment here, considering that we pride ourselves on being an "elite research forum". I've noticed for a large chunk of the responses here, they readily believe pretty much anything posted (as long as it confirms beliefs they already have).
Not only that, but they seem to have some very emotional reactions to them, replying that they wished God would end the world because it's so horrible, to wanting to torture and kill a fellow human being. And this is usually just from them reading the headline of whatever is linked. It's rare that anyone bothers to read the article attached. And it's even more rare for anyone to do some fact checking on it.
Perhaps u/w4terfall could have left out terms that tend to trigger people like "truther" and "boomer", but the basis of their post is right on target.
It wouldn't hurt anyone for us to try to elevate our posts/responses a bit. Maybe live up to our title of being an elite research board...
More like its a believe them, until they're caught in a lie - and then don't believe them while they maintain said lie.
Not triggered - just pointing out how those personalities that swallowed the covid lies, were more than ready to swallow the same gov. lies back then, and given an additional 25 years of history.
It is as if seeing someone with a covid facemask on in the year 2046 looking still thinking that it was still real. Right? You betcha its right!
911 is every inch as true as covid was.
If this were ever an elite research forum the mods would have banned flat earth on day one.